#my friends helped me w its colors and name <3< /div>
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wackywatchdotcom · 6 days ago
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yknow what i dont feel like making a polished pic of them rn. this is scuttle (they/it/thing/he) and theyre my sona :)
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starlightdreaming · 11 months ago
Lucifer Morningstar x Reader!
Fandom: Hazbin Hotel!
Content Warning: Angst! (neglect, arguments and No comfort(?)) yeah no lol. and LONG chapter also, your name is Luna (for the plot) at first but it goes to Y/n on like the next chapter (trust)
Synopsis: You were Lucifers best friend! You were stuck together like glue until someone else came along…
Further note: I’d like to ramble on how excited i am to release this series I have like 66 pages written down in a notebook and it’s still going! this is also my first attempt at trying to ACTUALLY write something and angst specifically! so bare with me if its not good (i tried my best) Also this series is going to be called LuluLuna! I HOPE YOU ENJOYY!! :> - ✨Lolo💫
Chapters!: Chapter 1 (you are here) •<•)b ✧ Chapter 2 ✧ Chapter 3 ✧ Chapter 4 ✧ Chapter 5
(to further improve reading I recommend listening to ��neheart! (It helped me write this))
。・:*:・゚My Luna・゚:。*:・。
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To you, he was the sun.
He had always had a smile on his face, his demeanor was always so bright and he was so full of hope and dreams.
He was such a troublemaker and that’s why you exist.
from the cosmic and star dust, a little bit of the universe was made and into the Heavens, a new being was formed, you are the first and the last of your kind, it was an accidental creation they had made while creating the universe and they tried making more after such beauty you withheld, They decided to call you ‘Luna.’ Named after the moon, because you came along after they created the moon. After many failed attempts to try and make more of your kind, they gave up and moved on, focusing more on their project of creating life.
Not knowing what to do with you, they left you with the wild child of Heaven, Lucifer. After training and teaching you the ways and laws of Heaven, they tasked you to watch over and take care of Lucifer.
Lucifer was light in your eyes, he showed you all his bright ideas and dreams, his beliefs and creations, it was all so amazing to you but was also too much as your little mind couldn’t wrap much around his ideals, it was a little overwhelming to you.
“this one is named quackers! he was my first ever duck I had ever made,” He says, showing you a duck that looks a little.. unique, “So, y’know he looks a little ehhh, uhhh… deformed- but! I promise they get a LOT better.” he smiles, giving you the duck to hold as he digs in his room full of ducks in containers and chests, you just stared at the duck before squeezing it slightly as it quacks that didn’t sound like it what it should have but it made you smile nonetheless!
“So!” Lucifer says, jumping out of his duck pile, showing you his next duck, “After him, we have count ‘quack’ula or should I say, ‘qount’ ‘quack’ula,” Lucifer puns, making you giggle a little, “I made him based off my idea of a holiday called ‘Halloween!’ and I was hoping maybe they could add that in the universe of creation they’re making!” he rambles, you looked at him with your starry eyes as you listened, not a thought behind your big ol’ eyes.
“Can I maek one?” you asked, stumbling on your new language that you were trying to adjust to, “Of course! i’ll show you!” He smiled, using his alluring magic to help you begin.
all throughout both your childhood, you had both grown together and were always together through thick and thin, when he was in trouble, you were always there by his side, when he got into arguments, you were always there to comfort him and when he was in the dark, you were always there to light his way. His dreams were always seen as dangerous but to you, you thought that was what made they them more beautiful, a splash of color on a blank slate, when no one believed in his dreams, you did. Eventually, one thing led to another, his dreams were now yours too, you added onto his dreams, setting the flame all the more significantly bigger.
in your teenage years, your friendship grew into something more… you couldn’t place your finger on it but whenever you were together it all just felt… right. When you both smile at each other, there’s just something in the air that just couldn’t be explained, it was so full and warm, a fuzzy feeling that you craved more when you both held hands in the garden you both had spent time together in everything you both did. There was a tree you both napped together under, full of stars and ducks you and Lucifer had both made over the years, created for birthdays and events of such that had taken place in Heaven, even apology gifts from when you both have argued and bickers over small nontrivial matters that were long in the past.
You both had done everything you could together as kids up to your age as a young adult, centuries or eons, you never grew apart, you both were stuck to each other like glue. Now when you both brushed fingers under that same tree, admiring the scenery and the wind that rustled the leaves in the bushes and trees, you looked at each other and there was just something in both your eyes that only you both could see, you both looked away from each other, turning slightly red, there was a feeling in your stomach, like butterflies. You didn’t know what that feeling was but he did, he knew what he was feeling and he knew what he had to do.
You both shared touches and hugs that seemingly got more clingier, more intimate, that sparkle in your eyes that you both shared together made you feel so fuzzy and light, you were overwhelmed with feelings you couldn’t understand until one day by yourself, you saw into a distance, a couple sharing the same things you had with Lucifer, hand holding and close cuddles, after watching them for a while, they shared a kiss, ‘but kisses are only shared with lovers?’ you thought and that was your ticket, you were in love with Lucifer. That further proved itself when you thought of brushing your lips against his own, your face turning completely red as you scrambled and flew away to the garden. The Garden of Eden.
“Lucifer? Lucifer!” You called out to him, wanting to tell him what you had discovered from within your own heart. “I’m over here Luna!” He answered as he waved to you, signaling for you to come over, you flew towards him and landed gracefully on your feet, “Luci, I have something to tell you-“ you say brightly before being cut off, “Just wait- I have someone you should meet!” Lucifer says before he gestures a woman to come out from hiding behind a tree, her beauty was graceful and perfect, “Oh, hello.” You say more calmly. Lucifer smiled to you, “This is Lilith,” He says as he reaches his hand out for her to take, and she did, “She’s the first woman on Earth!” He says as she waves to you, you waving back with a warm smile. “The first woman?” you ask, “meaning that they finally began divine creations on Earth??” you smiled in excitement, Lucifer nodded, still holding her hand in his, “It’s so nice to meet you Lilith, my name is Luna!” You jumped as you shook her hand enthusiastically as she smiled at you awkwardly. You completely forgot about your confession when it came to meeting a new person.
You three spent so much time together, as a trio, you were more of the energetic part of the group, Lilith the calm one and Lucifer as the air-head. It was amazing at first, to finally have a new person to share interests and ideas with, you all shared laughs together under that same tree you and Lucifer had grown with, showing Lilith your stellar abilities, making stars and sentient ones too, they all danced around you as you watch Lilith’s smile grow in awe, Lucifer also showing his ideas and dreams in which you and Lucifer grew up fully believing in, Lilith now joining the same boat as you both, you all laid on the grass as you looked at the starry night sky, pointing at constellations and lining them up for Lucifer and Lilith to see them better, You all fell asleep together under that oak tree of memories.
You awaken to see both Lucifer and Lilith were gone, you got up to find them as they giggled and laughed in a distance, you yawn and rubbed your eye, “Good morning.” you say with a groggy smile, Lucifer and Lilith were leaning towards each other before facing you, “Good morning, Luna.” Lucifer says with a smile before facing Lilith again, ‘huh, usually he says mornings with hugs,’ you thought but you shrugged it off as you joined them.
Today.. was different. Usually as the three, they included you in everything but lately, you felt like you were being excluded, when you walked from place to place, Lucifer would take you by the hand but instead of you, it was Lilith, it made you feel a pit in your stomach, not one that was pleasant at all, you were always trying to catch up to them as they ran together, watching animals from the distance and giggling together, they were sharing whispers and always ignored you when you tried talking to them in your usual energetic mood, this kept happening more and more often as you felt more and more of a burden than a friend. ‘What happened to never growing apart?’ You thought as you leaned on the oak tree that held so many memories. You looked up to see Lucifer holding Lilith as he flew in the air, throwing her up gently and catching her gracefully with adoration in his eyes, the same eyes he used to look at you with, you sigh as you watch, losing motivation to try and follow along anymore, you hugged yourself as you looked at your surroundings, the tree was surrounded with stars you made and the ducks Lucifer made, now growing with flowers that blossomed pure white lilies.
Whenever you tried to invite Lucifer to hangout, he would at first but then the entire time he would just talk about Lilith, asking if she’d like this or whatnot but sooner comes to later when you would invite him to hangout and make more silly ducks with you, he declined, he actually declined for once and that- bothered you. You were dumbfounded but you got your answer when, “I’m hanging out with Lilith today.” He says with a smile before waving you off and flying away, it was always her, he chose her and never you anymore and that made you so upset, it filled you with spite and envy but, none of that mattered since you smiled at your birthday coming around the corner, he would definitely have his attention on you then! the thought made you smile as you awaited the day, sitting under the oak tree, seeing it grow more with vines and lilies, your stars seemed to have fallen on the ground as you saw the ducks were placed on the vines, your smile falling again, you didn’t bother to pick then up as you sat alone under the tree once again, waiting for the days to come and go.
You jumped out of bed after your alarm had went off, you were so excited you accidentally threw your alarm out the window, no one knows why you did that so don’t ask. Today was the day! It was your birthday but more importantly, Lucifer would finally spend time with you! You tidied yourself up with a smile plastered on your face before leaving your home, you waved and smiled at other people down the streets of Heaven, flying to the bakery to get you a cake you were eagerly waiting to share with Luci, after you had gotten everything you needed, you warped to the oak tree, setting down a picnic, hoping he would be away from Lilith for once, when you finished your set up, you could hear Luci and Lilith approaching with laughter, you turned to see them as Lucifer turned from looking at Lilith to see you, “woah is this for us?” Lucifer questioned before walking up to you, Lilith following, “yes, it’s for-“ you say trying to point out it was your birthday, “This is awesome Luna! Hey, wait! Lilith, have you ever tried cake?” He says, ignoring what you were trying to say, “oh..” you say rather quietly, thinking for a moment, ‘did he forget what was today..?’
When you pulled out the cake, he took it from you, you looked up to see neither of then facing you, you felt hurt from his actions but it looked like he didn’t seem to bother or care, you sat quietly as you watched him open the box, giving Lilith a piece of the cake to feed her with a spoon he used his ability to make it appear, you watched her eat it with a joyous smile as he spoke to her with such brightness, you couldn’t bare to watch this anymore, you snapped after you saw the sparkle in his eyes that showed so much love toward her, you stood up angrily with your wings stretched out, “What the fuck is wrong with you?” You cursed at him as they both looked at you with shock, “Do you even know what today is?” you say more saddened and hurt after he gave you a confused look, “uh, no? why?” Lucifer said, tilting his head, looking at you like you were going crazy.
“You’re so!- You’re such a-!” you stumbled upon words as you basked in anger, before flying away- away from both of them, crying your way back home, “Luna wait!” he shouted to you but hesitated to catch up to you because of Lilith.
Usually when you flew away from him after an argument or small bicker, he would have caught up to you and held you close but seeing as he didn’t for once, it showed how much he didn’t love you anymore, you cried as you hugged yourself that night, leaning against your door, the hurt you bottled up pouring and crashing out of you like the high tides of the oceans you had seen before on Earth.
You awoke late in the night, your eyes felt heavy as you sat up. You looked at your surroundings and tried to process where you were, you cried yourself to sleep on the floor… on your door. that’s new.
Seeing that it was dark, meaning that you had slept the day away, Lucifer didn’t even try to come over and see if you’re okay and that hurt. You felt so lonely and neglected you just couldn’t stand it anymore, so if he wasn’t going to go to you, then you were going to go to him, you were going to make yourself feel seen.
You got up, not even bothering to tidy yourself, you immediately warped to the garden, at the oak tree and too be expected, they were there together, smiling and ogling one another, it made you sick at this point, when saw the empty box that used to be where the cake once was, you felt rage rile up within you, THIS was supposed to be YOUR day and once again, she took it away.
“So, did you talk to your friend? is she okay?” Lilith asked, “I didn’t talk to her, this happens all the time, she will be okay, she’ll be back tomorrow,” Lucifer waved the topic off, “I’ll apologize tomorrow, i’m just letting her cool off.” He says while you stood in the distance, listening to him as you wallowed in anger the more he spoke, you walked up to both him and Lilith, “Lucifer,” You say in a upset tone, “We need to talk,” you say standing in front of him, “now.” You finished while crossing your arms as he started blankly at you, “Of course, what is it?” He asks, standing up, trying to gesture his hand to help Lilith up but you slapped his hand away, glaring at him, “Alone.” You incensed, walking away to a distance.
Lucifer looked at Lilith as she nodded in understanding, letting Lucifer follow you to a far distance, after you were far enough, you turned to him with your arms crossed again, “Could you tell me what’s wrong, Luna?” Lucifer asked before you could say anything, “I’ll tell you what’s wrong,” You spoke rather aggressively, “Today was supposed to be about me! It was supposed to MY day!” “How is today yours? you don’t have any day unless- ohhh.” Lucifer trailed off, realizing it was none other than your birthday, “Luna, I-“ He tries to speak again, “Shut it,” You say unenthusiastically, “Ever since we met Lilith, it’s all been about her! you forgot about me! do I not matter to you anymore?” You rambled, “Guess so cause you didn’t even bother to remember my birthday,” you say as you waved your hands in the air, “and on top of that, you ate my fucking cake! in front of me!? great job Lucifer, you’re the universe’s greatest friend!” You snarked, gritting your teeth.
Lucifer, who had felt pity at first, began to feel upset as well, “Well, sorry,” he waved his hands back at you sarcastically, “maybe you should have told me, Instead of being such an attention seeker.” Lucifer imputed, “Attention seeker?!” You shouted fully offended, “Ever since that Lilith bitch came along, you threw me to the side! Sorry I wanted to see my friend for one fucking day, specifically- My Birthday!” You fumed. Lucifer was angry, rolling his eyes, “First of all Lilith isn’t the bitch, YOU are being a bitch right now,” He shouted, pointing at you as your face flashed from hurt to more anger, “and besides, birthdays aren’t even special,” he said crossing his arms, “So get over yourself.” He finished before beginning to walking away, “So you’re walking away just like that?!” You laughed in pain, seeing that he wasn’t going to bother fixing the problem, “What’s next? you never see me again?” You taunted.
“Maybe I don’t want to!” Lucifer turned to you angrily, taking your words rather personally, “All you have ever been was just a fucking nuisance on my back,” he snarled, pointing angelic spears at you as he marched toward you, “so why don’t you go and fucking disappear yeah? save us both the trouble.” He says behind blinded rage, “Lilith has and will always be better than you.” he finished, adding the finishing touch to your broken heart, you looked at him with tears in your eyes, making him lose his aggressive demeanor, “Hey.. I didn’t mean that-“ he tried to explain but you pushed him down as you flew away quickly before he could process, “Luna wait! I’m sorry!” he now quickly tried to apologize, chasing after you.
‘Since it seems you meant nothing, guess that means all the memories you shared were meant nothing right? so what happens if it just all… burned. What would happen if it was all just gone??’ You thought in blind rage, flying towards the oak tree, seeing Lilith there, you pushed Lilith away from the tree, not wanting her to get her from the biggest mistake you were ever going to make, with little to no power, you used your power and blasted the tree to bits, smiling slightly with tears, all the memories and flowers, scattered everywhere, broken or burned.
“Luna! what the fuck is wrong with you?” Lucifer shouted, tending to Lilith’s aid, making sure she wasn’t hurt. “What the fuck is wrong with me? What the fuck do you think? If I don’t matter to you, then why bother having this?!” You pointed to the destroyed tree, “I did you a favor, say goodbye to our friendship you pathetic bastard!” You shouted, not caring Lilith was listening, Lucifer picked up Lilith before facing you, “Good, I never wanted you as a fucking friend anyway, you were only ordered to.” Lucifer stated before marching toward you, “I never want to see you again,” He snapped, “And I fucking mean it.” He says as he looked at you with pure hatred in his eyes, the eyes that used to hold so much love and adoration for you, turned into spite and detestation, his eyes made you at a loss from all the built up anger, seeing that you destroyed everything behind blind rage, you cowered in guilt but that didn’t stop Lucifer from pushing you down, “disappear from my sight, Luna.” He glared at you one last time before walking away, leaving you alone with you, yourself and the mistake you had made.
Lucifer picked up Lilith, not even batting a second glance, all you wanted was for him to look your way, just one last time.. You sat in front of the oak tree in guilt, trying to use your stellar energy to fix your mistake but to no avail, nothing worked, you cried in heartbreak and frustration, betrayal and guilt, all those years, centuries and eons, they all meant nothing now. Nothing but a burning memory. You used stars to keep the tree connected from falling apart, using every bit of power you could to make it back to what it originally used to be, with little to no experience, it took hours to fix it, you did the best you could before leaning against the tree, hoping to find comfort in it but all you felt was emptiness, Lucifer never tried to contact you again and neither had you, you didn’t want him to look at you with those eyes ever again, you couldn’t bare it.
You spent weeks, months and years in your bed, unmotivated to get out and do something, you covered your room with sentient stars, finding only comfort in the little creations you had made, they did everything for you when you couldn’t do anything for yourself, your room was just full of piles and piles of stars, they were becoming too much that you threw some out your window so you could just make more, so it was just a daily routine to make many stars and just throw them out the window and everything had consequences but you didn’t care anymore, everything just felt so hopeless now after the only friend you had, never wanted to see you again.
after repetitively doing your routine, there was a knock at your door, you grumbled to get up, weak in your legs as you stumbled to open the door, your hair a mess and clothes wrinkled, you opened your door with unenthusiastically, expecting a cherub to send you your daily mail or something but when you saw a higher up seraphim at your door, your eyes widened in shock, “Greetings daughter of the universe,” the seraphim began, “My name is Sera and this is my sister, Emily.” she says before the Emily girl bounced and waved, “Hiii, we just wanted to ask some questions!” she piqued before walking closer to you before getting something out her pocket, “are these yours?” She asks, showing you a sentient star that began bouncing around in front of you both, ‘oh shit…’ you thought, seeing as your bed-rotting seemed to have affected life outside that made THE SERAPHIMS come after you, “Oh, sorry yeah those are mine.” you try to say calmly, “did something happen?” you asked, worriedly.
Emily smiled to you, “Those stars have been wandering all around Halo city! They actually have been helping around a lot, they are really useful and we tracked them where they came from to here!” Emily chimed, Sera speaking after, “We found them quite useful and we decided to come and ask if you wanted to work with us? Your stars can help our people live more at ease and even the Heaven born.” she says leaning closer to you, “Oh!” You seemed to been shocked, “well I- I dunno, this is so sudden, I-“ you stuttered, thinking, “Don’t worry, we don’t need an answer now,” Emily comforted with a smile, “We have a lot to offer, you know,” Sera informed, “If you join us, you can become one of the higher seraphim’s because your stars would be helping our people,” she says with a comforting smile as well, “and thats what we are all about.” she finishes with caring eyes, you thought for a moment, you could use your potential to help others? and not only that, this could probably distract you from the very thing you were trying to forget, Lucifer.
“Yeah, maybe.. maybe I will take you up on that offer, Seraphim.” You smiled, “please, call me Sera.” she smiled, “And call me Emily or Emmy!” she smiled more brightly as she took your hand, “Woah, wait I haven’t showered or cleaned myself!-“ you stumbled, “Don’t worry, we’ll get that covered!” Emily says as she drags you out your house gently and soothingly, Sera teleporting you three to the sanctuary of their home, you could barely process as you frog blinked as your only reaction with shock.
Maybe this was a good thing though, a new world had awaited you for once and that alone, made you smile for once in decades.
imma stop here cause its already WAY too long, lmk if you want pt. 2! (it motivates me to write more)
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dolliestfairy · 2 years ago
і𝖿 thᥱrᥱ𝘴 ⍺ whі𝘴k, thᥱrᥱ𝘴 ⍺ w⍺Ⴘ╰🎀 . ִ ۫ ⁎ .
Geto, Mahito & Choso with Chubby!fem!reader who is a baker 🧁(୨୧ᵕ̤ᴗᵕ̤)
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ʚ ₊˚ ᥀ Warning : Pet names (my little baker, chubby bunny), mentions of killing, mentions of eating flesh, mentions of pinch & blood, a little bit of overprotectiveness & possessiveness, and maybe some misspelled word. lmk if i miss anything. reader skin color is not announced. overall fluff.
ʚ ₊˚ ᥀ A/N : this is a continuation of the part 1 and part 2 jujutsu kaisen character with chubby!fem!reader who is a baker. lmk what you think, and also if you want another part just tell in the comment with what character :). also pls give me feedbacks and reblogs, tysm!
Part 1 ♡ Part 2 ♡ Part 3
Enjoy reading my fairies╰🧚🏻��♀️ . ִ ۫ ⁎ .
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✧ Geto
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• sunshine & sunshine protector friendship dynamic ୧₊˚
• love the smell of your bakery like the bread, the chocolate and the pastry smells like yum yummmm
• though he would never admit it anyway...
• always squeezing his time just so he can go and visit your bakery (also to meet you too, but again, he would never admit this)
• love the softness of your body, they.. well um.. they somehow match what you were doing like you were making soft bread and pastry and your body is soft and round too so yk
• and this guy is also a little bit of overprotective over you and also a little bit possesive.
• he just doesnt want you to get hurt or anything & also he wants you to be completely his
• he would rather die than admitting this, but he sometimes think that he doesnt deserve you, and you deserve someone better.
• but as soon as he sees some guy flirting with you, it'll be all kicked out of the window, and he quickly shused whoever that person is (💀)
• but back again, he really loves you and he also love whatever you can do, such as making him feel good in bed.
✧ Mahito
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• prey. thats what he think of you FIRST.
• i mean you look like a chubby bunny who works in a bakery for him
• he also like to tease you about whatever you do, meaningly or even affectionately, but mostly meaningly teasing 💀
• but if someone other than him do the same to you, you have to quickly prevent him from taking their life or else he really does gonna take their life.
• its as same when someone mock you or bully you, they're gonna be dead also.
• love to call you a pet names like 'chubby bunny' or 'my little baker' <3
• he also sometimes observe your bakery from the sewers under your bakery building (💀)
• he... well um, since he's also like a curse or something, he sometimes let the curse to in to your bakery with one rules = do not annoy or endangering you.
• and if they does? well, that day is gonna be the last day they can see the sunlight & moonlight.
• but he does freaking loves you, and one of his fav things to do with you is that he loves to affectionately biting your flesh or just gently pinch the extra flesh you had.
• what I mean by "affectionately biting you flesh" is that biting your body in the most gentle way you could possible imagine, and not like a brutal one until your skin and flesh are torn apart, that would be something else.
• but Mahito is still Mahito, so sometimes he cant help but let one of his sharp teeth drawing blood in your body.
• but if you get hurt, he immediately stop and looking at you with a worry yet confused expression.
• because overall, he's still freaking loves you, and he doesnt want to lose his chubby bunny who works in a bakery bussiness.
✧ Choso
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• thinks he doesnt deserve you.
• this is like the dynamic friendship of the 'no energy friend' with 'calm friend' dynamic
• love your smell, the vanilla, flour, and just the smell of the sugary sweetness bread that patch in your body.
• making him feel cozy and safe.
• he doesnt really admit this out loud, but you somehow, manage to making him feel like a 'normal person' again.
• a normal person who is falling in love with someone, with you.
• thats why he always try to be with you, be at your side, just so he can feel the feelings of it again.
• he also love a gentle and kindhearted person, such as you.
• you're the girl he always dream of.
• i'm not joking while i'm saying this, the first time he confess to you and you accept him, he can feel his whole body and heart and soul is melting.
• he can feel his brain is like being mobbed by butterflies.
• he feel peace and all he feels is just that, he feel joy and happiness.
• he would do anything to protect you. yes we all know he sometimes befriended with curse and some shit, but the one thing is that, he would never let any one of his curse friend getting too close to you or your bakery.
• thats just how he shows himself that he loves you and care for you so much he even doesnt let his friend endangering you.
• he's a broken man inside, but you managed to strengthen him, and he thanked you for all of it.
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cheap-jumpscare · 8 months ago
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Welcome to Uta's blog population like 2.
helooo I'm Uta or several other names. I go by it/void and many other prns. check my prns.page >here< !!
read this very important thing written by my meowtual please, thanx :D
a lot more detailed info under the cutt ~
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I say slurs (only those I can reclaim!)
I rarely am ever serious!
I can be very sensitive to rejection!
I'm very apathetic in regards to other people; I wish I wasn't!
I can be very harsh or rude on accident!
im basicallt INCAPABLE of processing if/when a joke is taken too far!! :(
Pls tell me if I fuck up i will not know :(
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diagnosed and medicated ADHD, peer-reviewed as "def autistic" by my autistic little sister and older brother, depression (or at least some of the symptoms)
divorced parents, adopted at birth!
in general there is something fundamentally wrong/silly abt me
i LOVE homestuck, hiveswap, ddlc, genshin, hsr, crk, cats, borzois, drawing, singing, gacha, voice acting, animation, rain world, etc. (hyperfixations r bold and italic like this!!)
i like spiritual stuff (shifting realities, subliminals, etc) and i may reblog stuff like that sometimes <3
i have a bf!!!! NOT ANYMORE /silly
my fav color; tie between red, black, n white. pink n yellow are very close shared-second places
im here to be gay and shitpost man
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spacehey - cheapjumpscare noplace - hiveswap pesterchum - hollowClown spotify - uta ౨ৎ ⋆。˚ tiktok - qualia.automata
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DNIS . . .
thin ice ;
anti-endos / don't believe in endo systems, but don't harass or fakeclaim people abt it (i have friends who are endo and they are very cool!!!!!)
post abt politics Regularly (stresses me tf out)
post abt religion christianity at ALL
if you were that one person who told me I was silencing asians by having a cute/pink/"kawaii" aesthetic blog on tumblr in like 2020. yes that was the actual reason. im being so forreal. /silly but also /gen on this being something that actually happened
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DNFI (do not fcking interact) ;
anti-endos / don't believe in endo systems, and DO harass or fakeclaim people abt it
pro-contact / anti-recovery towards paraphilias
nsfw/kink/18+ centered blogs (i am a minor :/)
doxx people or support those who do
believe/participate in cringe culture
pro 🇮🇱 or otherwise not pro 🇵🇸 (its a genocide mf)
^ post pictures of gore n dead kids in relation to the genoc¡de w/o tagging, censoring, or warning ANYYY of it (the reason i left twt)
im on your dni (respect your own gd dni)
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my true zodiac is Pittarius !! [homestuck]
probably a
i tend to fixate on characters/whatever so hard i either Want to be them, believe i Am them, or both.
^ speaking of, at the bottom of this post is a list of stuff am that way about
^^ i should add here that the personality assigned doesnt contribute to this (though it certainly helps if i can go "THEY JUS LIKE ME FRR") i just. fixate so hard i go "mm i should be [whatever]" or "i mustve been [whatever] in a past life :D"
^^^ i am, most of the time, not under one of these episodes (idrk what else to call them but im not distressed rlly so shrug)
i barely ever remember to categorize things but i will remember for this blog i promise
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#shut up uta! - yapping. rambling even. general Posts tag. #definitely not stolen! - reblogs !~ #uta time travels (again!) - queue'd posts.. mostly going to be whatever im currently horrifically nuclear levels of autistic abt #uta; nobody needs to know this - TMI posts; complaining abt periods, personal life, etc. etc. etc. it can and will get weird here #uta hears voices part ??? - askbox....... #uta pls shut up fr this time - LIVEBLOGGING ~ #(not) uta; [ANY-CHARACTER-NAME-HERE] - for when i am Fixating So Hard On A Character That I /Gen Believe I AM Them. Temporary. pls humor me/play along /gen. #uta's sprites - Sometimes I post homestuck / hiveswap sprites! this is the tag for that :3
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Characters / Things Uta sometimes IS (not exhaustive) ;;
italicized = more current / more likely to be this than not | bold = even more current | italicized & bold = almost always this
PROJECT SEKAI ; Minori Hanasato, Airi Momoi, Emu Otori, Kanade Yoisaki, Mafuyu Asahina, Ena Shinonome, Mizuki Akiyama VOCALOID / VOCAL SYNTH ; Xi Yi, Hatsune Miku GHOST & PALS ; Tamari [RECKLESS BATTERY BURNS], Say [CHATTERING LACK OF COMMON SENSE], Cakey [APPETITE OF A PEOPLE PLEASER], Teto [PATHOLOGICAL FASCADE] HIVESWAP & HOMESTUCK ; Charun Krojib, Dave Strider / Davesprite, Jade Harley, Karako Pierot, Meulin Leijon, Nepeta Leijon, Tyzias Entykk GENSHIN ; Collei, Fischl, Furina, Hu Tao, Kirara, Lumine, Qiqi, Xingqiu, Yae Miko, Yoimiya COOKIE RUN ; Peach Blossom, Caramel Choux, Linzer, Mozzarella, Affogato, Strawberry Crepe, Cream Puff, Kumiho, Espresso, Vampire, Stardust, Black Pearl, Whipped Cream, Roquefort, Butter Pretzel, Scorpion, Bellflower, Sour Belt, Crowberry, Pizza, Black Garlic, Coffee Candy, Baguette, Gim, S'more, Strawberry Cream, Astronaut, Starch Noodle, Strawberry Stick, Lotus Dragon, Lychee Dragon, Sugar Swan POKEMON [SPECIES] ; Absol [MEGA], Bewear, Blacephalon, Breloom, Carbink, Chatot, Cramorant, Cursola, Darkrai, Dedenne, Delcatty, Delphox, Eevee, Furfrou, Furret [SHINY], Galvantula, Glaceon, Hatterene, Iron Valiant, Jirachi, Kommo-o, Leavanny, Lucario, Lurantis [TOTEM], Luxray, Lycanroc, Maractus, Mareanie, Meowscarada [SHINY], Mew, Milotic, Mimikyu, Mismagius, Mudkip, Nihilego, Pheromosa, Pyukumuku, Raichu [ALOLAN], Rayquaza [SHINY], Sandslash [ALOLAN], Scoliopede, Scorbunny, Serperior, Shaymin, Smoliv, Sneasler, Solgaleo, Sylveon, Tapu Lele, Thievul, Tinkaton, Torracat, Tsareena, Vaporeon, Wooper, Wynaut, Xerneas, Zoroark [SHINY] POKEMON [HUMANS] ; Justy [JELLOAPOCALYPSE DOGS IN LOVE], N, Ingo, Emmet, Roxie, Clemont, Lisia, Lillie, Ilima, Mallow, Acerola, Marnie, Allister, Klara, Sabi, Florian, Penny, Iono, Rika, Ortega, Kieran, Lacey MISC ; wip.... sorrgy :(
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Uta's Glorified Kinlist [IN THE KINNIE WAY] ;;
CHARACTERS ; Kanade Yoisaki, Mafuyu Asahina, Ena Shinonome, Mizuki Akiyama, Charun Krojib, Dave Strider, Fischl, Yoimiya, Strawberry Crepe Cookie, Espresso Cookie, Sprigatito, Ingo, Emmet, Iono, March 7th SONGS ; Born2Run [PENELOPE SCOTT], Hammerhead [PENELOPE SCOTT], Sweet Hibiscus Tea [PENELOPE SCOTT], Baxter Ward is Under Fucking Siege [PENELOPE SCOTT], anarchy [EGG], Digital Girl [KIRA], Nobody [MITSKI], Gay Jokes [RIO ROMEO], Mirror Man [JACK STAUBER]
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hartmy4life · 2 years ago
Fanfic name: Cute PART 3
Relationship: Hartley x Amy
Show: The Villains of valley view
Warning: Nothing
Amy’s POV:
I run up to Hartley's house and I knocked on the door. Someone else opened it. Oh it was Celia. "Oh um hi Celia do you know where Hartley is" I say obviously nervous because like come on its Celia. "She's up in her room why" She said looking at me with a raised eyebrow. "Umm" Quick Amy think of something. "I wanted to invite Hartley to- umm- a bowling alley so we can --bowl"
"Mhm yeah sure" yep she is totally not believing me. "Yeah you can go to Hartley's room" I knock. "Hello Hartley are you in there" I say. "Yeah let me just-" " Hartley answers while there was a lot of stuff being moved around. She finally opens the door. "Hello Amy" she said while leaning on the door frame. "Hi are you ok there was a lot of noises before you opened the door." I said concerned. "Yeah im good I was just cleaning my room"
she said revealing a not so very clean room. "Wow Hartley its so clean is the new trend of cleaning up rooms leaving so much clothes on
the ground" "Ok fine I fell but im fine now" she said. She continued. "So what are you doing here" I just stood there remembering why I was
there and I turned the color of my Havoc suit. "Umm Amy are you ok" she said waving a hand over my face. I snapp back into reality.
"Yep yep Im good I just need to tell you something" I said pretty nervous. "Yeah sure what is it" she said cheerful but also confused. "Ok look I might ruin our friendship but please after what im about to say please just-" I pause.
"Don't leave me your the only friend I have even though im kinda friends with Milo your different" "Amy Im never going to leave you" Hartley says in her sweet and loving voice. "Ok" I take a deep breath. "These past days have been different of how we almost kissed and that weird feeling I have in my stomach, my heart beats faster when
Im with you, and I know im not sounding like real Amy its just that I cant hide these feelings anymore" I pause again but this time Im holding Hartley's hands. "Ok what Im trying to say is that I like you and this might be a little cheesy but I want to be more than friends" When I finish talk I wait for Hartley to say something. When the silence was still going I decided to break it "Look I-" Hartley cuts me off. "Amy you're never going to lose me because feel the same way too" "Really" I say surprised. "no." She said which
made my heart shatter and my eyes water. "Amy Im joking Im sorry." She then hugged me. "I didn't know that would make you react so fast I like you too and I would be more
than happy if we could be more then friends. I pull back from the hug and I just kissed her. When I did it felt like fireworks were exploding behind us. It was amazing. Sadly we pulled away for air.
Amy's POV:
"Hey Hartley" I say making her head turn."Yes" she said "Do you wanna maybe go to the movies" I then pull out my phone. "Here I'll text my
Jake that Im going to be out for a while" "Umm yeah sure what movie" Hartley said wondering.
"I was thinking you would choose since we are finally girlfriends" I said blushing and giggling. Wait giggling ME, AMY, HAVOC. Giggling. Wow this cute and amazing girl has
some affect on me.
Amy's POV:
We get to the movie and we get our tickets and for some reason Hartley isn't telling me what movie we were going to watch but thats besides the point. We go to the counter so we can buy our popcorn. "Hey Hartley what movie are we watching" I say while tapping her shoulder.
"You'll see" I just nod while she said that and I looked at the workers plotting on stealing or what Hartley likes to say "s-wording". Hartley looks at me.
"Amy are you thinking of s-
wording because you have that look on your face" Before I got to answer the workers come up to us.
"Hi how may I help you today" the
worker said looking like he hates life. "Just a large popcorn extra butter please" Hartley said with a big smile on her face. The worker gives us the popcorn and we were
on our way to the movie. "So Hartley can I finally know what the movie is" I say. "We are watching Barbie" she said with that
stupid smile. "Yay" I say sarcastically.
"Trust me your going to love it it also has a special meaning."
"Ok yeah sure I'll give it a try anything that makes you happy" I say smiling.
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ladyimaginarium · 2 years ago
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i was tagged ∘⋄૮꒰ྀི ◔ .̫ ◔ ꒱ྀིა ෆ⋆ by @tearfulangel !! <3
relationship status: bodily im& single romantic wise, but my& irl bestie @wilbursartplace is a joy to have around & we& miss u jojo, we're& queerplatonic partner / plush systems w/ the cathedral system / @briala / leli who we& love v much !! our& familial sibling systems are andrew / the morcialists / @morcialists & @agentwhiskeysgf / anderson/kafka / the narcos system who we& adore v much & hope they're okay. im& also in an polyamorous romantic insys relationship w/ eren& & mello& & in familial & platonic relationships w/ others in my& system. :V
favorite color: teal !
favorite food: pizza, fruit salad ( if you want smth healthy lmao ) or chicken nuggies or chicken tornadoes or ramen. its hard tbh LOL
song stuck in my head: antlers — ethel cain & carmen — lana del rey & beautiful & bad — nicole dollanganger
last thing i googled: ethel cain & now im& looking at her merch... they're all sold out tho :<
time: 5:55PM EST.
dream trip: pretty much every continent really, but im& digging china & japan as the first options.
something i want: real life wings, take a roadtrip on a lil bus & take my& friends, unconditional happiness & love, an abundance of funds, to go to a billie eilish concert w/ jojo, to rent a cottage for leli & me& so we can vibe, start a queer motorbike/motorcycle queer gang w/ a, to go horseback riding on the beach or through the woods or through the mountains w/ friends, voice training for gender & plural reasons, to help others in need, my& ceremonial spirit name & spirit animal, astral projection, to go fucking feral, magic, get some more pretty clothes & wigs, learn how to do makeup & maybe some drag, the ability to physically shapeshift bc that would mean everything to us& as a collective, finally publish my& upcoming poetry book in the works, my& future service dog, a wheelchair for cfs & pots, inner peace, j. a lot. /lh
i tag (with no pressure ofc): @briala @wilbursartplace @enchanted-moura @dethqveen @aabblleeddnntt @abri-chan @librastrai @tearfulangel @emmiewlw @dreamlandsystem & anyone else who wants to !
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ritz-writes · 1 year ago
Get to know me tag game! I was tagged by @celestialcrowley
It's a long post so I'll put a cut here <3
Real Name: [REDACTED]
Nickname(s): [REDACTED]
Nickname Origin(s): [REDACTED]
Sorry, I'm not giving out my irl name </3
Preferred Name(s): Call me Ritz!
Ao3: RitzWrites
Social Media(s): I have a Facebook, TikTok, Instagram, Pillowfort, Twitter. The only ones under Ritz tho are ao3, Twitter, pillowfort, and insta, tho I never use the insta.
State: Won't say the state I currently live in (tho i mightve mentioned it in a post somewhere probably) but I grew up in Texas
Birthdate: May 28
Pet(s): Currently have 7 cats and 1 dog in my house. One cat is specifically mine
Hobbies: Writing, reading, drawing, watching youtube, screaming about my fandoms
Personality: I'm the sunshine character, but I swear a lot. Also if you wrong my friends I feel it personally and will be very angy. I'm very open minded and won't make an opinion on smth until I get all the facts. I want to be friends with everyone but the gods nerfed me with social anxiety ;w;
Favorite Holiday(s): Christmas has always been special to me and give me Nice emotions. Halloween is also good tho.
Favorite Drink(s): Kiddo me would have an aneurysm when she finds out I like vanilla lattes. She swore up and down she'd never like coffee lmao. I also love strawberry milk and sprite.
Favorite Food(s): Pizza, donuts, sirloin, airheads candy, beef stroganoff
Favorite Dessert(s): Cookies and cream ice cream, cookies, brownies
Favorite Color(s): Pink!! I tried changing it when I was younger cuz I didn't want to be the stereotypical girl," but I've always loved pink. Gold is also nice, as well as pastel colors in general.
Favorite Quote(s): "New beginnings are often disguised as painful endings," -Lao Tzu
Favorite Book(s): The Enhanced series by T.C. Edge (I haven't finished reading it tho)
Favorite TV Show(s): Good Omens, Lego Monkie Kid, 2003 Ninja Turtles, Transformers Prime, Batman The Animated Series
Favorite Movie(s): Ocean's 8, Black Panther, The Martian, John Wick
Favorite Character(s): Crowley, Aziraphale, Muriel, MK, Wukong, Macaque, Tang, Jason Todd, Peter Parker, Tony Stark
Favorite Actor(s): David Tennant, Michael Sheen, Tom Holland, Zendaya, Robert Downey Jr.
Favorite Song(s): There's so many, but I'll list a few. Last One Standing by Icon for Hire. Ohio by Bowling for Soup. Rich and the Famous by Good Charlotte. and literally anything by set it off cuz they r my fav band
Favorite Music Genre(s): Pop Punk. Or what some ppl r now calling divorced dad rock
Favorite Podcast(s): I haven't listened to it in a hot minute, but My Brother My Brother and Me
Have You Ever Met A Celebrity: I met some YouTubers at a convention once, but I don't watch the channel anymore
Have You Ever Been To A Concert: Yeah. To see Fall Out Boy. It was outside and I had no water. Was fun tho
Do You Collect Anything: Braincells. I keep losing them tho (no I dont collect anything)
Do You Have Any Idols: Uhhhh I'm not sure. I have ppl I think are cool? I guess you could say my mom is my idol?
Is There A Real Life Friend You Can Completely Be Yourself With: My partner @novelcain <33
What Are Your Interests: Anything I end up hyperfixating on. So right now its Good Omens. Once s5 of Lego Monkie Kid comes out tho, I know that's where my brain will be. I also love graphic design, but I haven't been able to do it in ages.
Where Would You Love To Travel To: Maybe Scotland? Or Italy? I wanna go to Japan some day too.
Is There A Random Fact About Yourself That You’d Like To Share: I have binocular double vision, which means I see two things :) My glasses help a bit with that issue
tags: anyone who wants to do it
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ohklah0ma · 2 years ago
I just noticed the text on you ask box button so: tell me about your ocs. all of them, your favorite, I do not care. I wish to hear all you have to say (also I really like your new blog theme, it's very calming and quiet on my eyes)
THANK U i love dark colors bc im very light sensitive so thats a big thi nf i was going for w my new theme<33
ok oc time!!!!!!!!uh uh i dont really know where or who to start with so ill prolly just go w quickly rambling about my ocs from tbe casino gang!!!!! this story is mostly in collaboration w my sibling kay and they have about half of the characters here but im mostly gonna focus on mine for times sake because theres. like 10 in total which would take a long time bc you know i wont shut up about anything
i have a bunch of ocs who all work at this casino somewhere between multiverses that we still dont have a name for but its ok. lots of people from all sorts of different worlds show up there but its usually dimensional travelers or backrooms wanderers or random characters who have been magically brought there just for funsies :-)
first we have avery!!!!my partial sona whos also their own character its weird avery created the casino sometime after they died and became a god, its one of the things theyre most proud of and they wouldnt work anywhere else for the world. except sometimes they would because their employees are little shits sometimes (which is kind of what you’d expect from half your workforce being either undead immortal children or raging alcoholics (abel.)) theyre basically a wine mom friend tbh but the kind of wine mom who would absolutely tear you apart with an axe if you did sometjing to their kids. theyre very protective of their employees and their sibling/co-owner abel (kay’s oc) <3 but they arent afraid to be a little strict with them
indigo is averys best friend and technically head of security even though they dont even work there! theyve just been given full authority over the security staff because theyre slay like that. one of my fruitiest ocs ever i swear indigo died very soon after avery did! they were friends before they died as well but avery has no idea and indigo would like to keep it that way. they wear a mask concealing the right side of their face and they loooove to scare people with whats behind it. they met avery and helped them get back onto their feet after they died <3 even though they have full security clearance theyre literally just a regular visitor at the casino and nobody really knows Why theyre best friends but its fine. theyre also very protective of avery and abel and of course their friend ephetatis (kay’s oc) and their little sister ruby!
ruby is a little shit. im just gonna say that now i adore her so much but shes the definition of a chaotic neutral mean lesbian sje would tell you to kys unapologetically if she thought it was funny (but she would apologize if it made someone sad) she and indigo are both. weird vampire demon creature dudes. she was assigned to be indigos younger sister by higher-up gods and she was a bit hesitant to trust them at first but indigo is very responsible and the two got along very quickly! they have a really interesting dynamic because ruby lived during a much more modern time period than indigo so she learned about. internet things and stuff like that more easily which makes for some really funny scenarios. ruby will occasionally get dragged to the casino when she cant be trusted to be home alone but now she has to help out there a bunch because she and her best friend kris (kay’s oc) broke a $27,000 chandelier (kris did it on purpose. bitch) and now they have to work off this ridiculous amount of debt. however they do get free snacks so thats cool i guess
parsley and sofi are two little guys who probably live in the walls i have no idea what or who they are but they annoy abel and help avery and cause chaos. they are never not together so its impossible to not draw or write about them together. avery kind of just took them in and now they help ephetatis at the bar (they handle the non-alcoholic drinks and clean things) and sometimes sofi sneaks salt into abels wine because it think its really funny
and those r all the main important characters!!!!the ones i own anyway!!!!!! theyre so silly and i love the whole casino gang to death and i worked on thisfor like 45 minutes so i hope you enjoy this massive infodump thank you for reading
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kaleschmidt · 9 months ago
TKP Dungeon Meshi AU
okay so this started out as just me wanting to draw Kale + laios together but now. It's a whole damn au in my head and now i must make it everyone's problem forever. i'm keeping this relatively free of spoilers for both tkp + dunmeshi unless asked otherwise soo.. rambles under cut!
so first of all. um. i don't have all of the tkp chars. sorry guys. specifically, charon + percy are the ones i'm having the most trouble thinking of. they're supposed to be ANDROIDS... i can't figure what would be a good equivalent of that. otherwise if they had to be an actual species, i think they'd probably both be elves- maybe part of the canaries? i also like the thought of kobold percy
january. cmon. she's halfling. okay. half-stealing this from quentin but also it just makes sense. 🤏. i was thinking of tammi as a gnome at first but i can't lie. i think ogre tammi would be so wonderous and cool. or kobold... hm. hard choices
mena.. i think mena is just a normal tallman. "what's vinnie" don't worry about vinnie. okay. he's. normal. normal. (said unconvincingly). lulu i'm debating between full or half-elf because she MIGHT be of nobility
SHIT I ALMOST FORGOT ABOUT SVEN??? SORRY KING. i think they would be a gnome though. i think he'd use a bit of magic to help him around but it's not something they use often i.e. in regards to the spirits being treated kindly with favor. you get it
some of these choices aren't really permanent choices so if i think about it more or get some input they might change in the future..
okay. now. the main guys. the main 6. so! for reasons i still have yet to come up with yet, the main 6 teamed up together as a dungeon-travelling team! i think they bump into the touden group at least once ^_^ . there's not an exact leader, but aster n naomi kinda co-lead! they fill in each others faults through their leadership (aster being too harsh with their leadership + naomi being too soft with hers). chazz volunteered for leadership and was prominently shut down </3. they hate a bitch.
now okay let me split the main 6 out.
so first of all. their name in the au would be asterisk begonia! only friends can call them just by aster. they're an elf. They taught themself some magic, with the rest being from their school, before they dropped out for reasons they are NOT going into. they're pretty much the mage of the group, but they've been teaching the group some basic spells on the occassion that something happens to them because they'd rather DIE than have the whole team fucking flunk. chazz refuses. aster is going to kill it.
not a really important detail but also kinda is. ver staff has a big ass bow on it. this is important i lied. i think its sweets
i. have no idea where she comes from. i KNOW the kennedys would most likely come from the northern, but that's all. sorry naomi of ???. anyways she's half halfling + half-dwarf, leaning dwarf. Due to being half halfling she has some magic bone in her but she still gets mana sickness easily. she uses a big ass hammer tho so it's fine forever ^_^!! I feel like she'd be studying dwarf tech in order to modify the team's weapons somehow (not exactly blacksmithing but also kinda? the steampunkness of it all ig)
i havent really come up with all of how dayshift would go in this au so. Dont worry too much about it. also some stuff is spoilers. so. next ramble maybe.
ohhh god. who let that bitch be a halfling. god. fuck. shit. its full name is chazzsaw. no one knows its last name and NEVER WILL!!! yknow thinking about the hair colors n such in dunmeshi, most of them are pretty naturally colored arent they... minus some elves' white hair. so basically we're getting nongenta chazz. scary.
so chazz i've been vaguely bouncing around. first of all she's bunking with darrell! before the two of them joined the main 6, the two of them often went into dungeon parties together. not all of them were good, though- whether chazz was getting used as bait or people were ganging up on darrell. basically the main 6 is one of the best groups the two of them have ended up in. chazz, much like in canon, often conflicts with aster and although he jokes about using magic to be a funny little goofster, he has no interest in actually using magic. She'll do just fine with her halfling shenanigans!
chazz is one char i thought about interacting with the canon chars.. i feel conflicted about how she'd feel about laios. on one hand i can see her hearing about the touden group's monster grub shit and being like "shiiiit. we need that. aster what the fuck are you TEACHING us you should be teaching us HOW TO MAKE A GOOD ASS MEAL OUTTA THOSE MONSTERS" but at the same time . i think chazz would be reminded of phil in some capacity. DAMN YOU BLONDE MAphil isn't blonde in this au technically but he's still blonde in spirit so. yea. also he'd be half-tallman half-halfling i think. that's all the thought he's getting
FUCK I FORGOT CHAZZ'S ROLE. OOOOPPS. um. chazz is like? the thief? rogue? chazz has small daggers that it keeps on its person at least. its got no interest in helping with traps physically but sure lets throw this huge ass rock there <3. i think he'd find chilchuck funny and have like a little respect for him but if she had to be in a team with him she might bite his head off (exaggeration
DARRELL!!!! he's the resident normie of the group. the tallman. like i mentioned in chazz's section, he and chazz used to join random dungeon groups! his parents don't really approve of it and told him that he could always just come back home and work for them but!!!! he's very adamant that he can help make a living! also his parents don't like chazz and chazz would have nowhere to go if he were to leave :[... so darrell's really keen on making it big with the main 6
something i've been spinning around since i started writing this... hear me out. darrell with the bow and arrow. okay. I think he'd still have a melee weapon if he were to run out of ammo (good ol sword?) but otherwise vi's more comfortable with ranged combat. chazz likes to act like target practice and darrell's screaming and sobbing (EXAGGERATION.)
psichael my best friend psichael my bff psichael. i miss nem. fuck. (NOT THE MAIN POINT OF THIS SECTION?????????) anyways. chazz still names nem but whether or not ne still ends up with the name "psike" is debatable. DON'T LET CHAZZ COOK 🔥🔥🔥🔥 anyways other than that. psike is half-elf half-tallman, with eir mom being a tallman! don't. worry about nis dad. okay. anyways! before the main 6, psike was often this mysterious, hooded figure that randomly appeared in dungeons. ne primarily appeared to groups/people that were in places where no one would be able to find them + were on the verge of death/dead. people would recall being revived/healed with no evidence of who did it, with some reporting catching a glimpse of their savior before the savior disappeared. sometimes psike would help via actively attacking, but this was very rare. tbh this might've been how ne and chazz met
anyways! psike is pretty good with magic- especially healing + resurrection magic. knows some ancient magic too... ofc, psike has nis limits, but it's pretty high. In combat, Psike tries to be quick on nis feet but sometimes just. shuts down, so ne's usually on the sidelines, where ne doesn't have to fully deal with the combat, but can still help. if there's someone who wouldn't be terribly picky about eating monsters, i think it would be psike
KALE. FUCK. FUCK. FUCK. (BEATING THE FLOOR SO INTENSELY IT CAVES IN) hmm yes. i'm normal now. (affirmation). i'd love to talk about him in detail but. he's so spoilerpilled. i hope he explodes into 5 million flames. SORRY I DIDN'T MEAN THAT. okay anyways. we'll settle for the nonspoilered version and if the people want the rampant spoilery ramble then they can ask...
so! kale! :)! kale! my friend kale. kale. my friend kale. i think about how he possibly ran into aster n naomi... maybe at a tavern or smth? i can see him being like "hoho ! i will gladly join anyone's dungeon group for free ^_^!!!! all these people are so nice and will not betray my trust in any way!" and naomi is like "aster we need to save that poor strange guy". then again maybe like in his debut, it's just naomi who's at the tavern and hears kale's thing and is like "oh they're not going to survive the winter......." and then convinces aster to let kale join permanently, after a few adventures??
oh something important. kale is ALWAYS clad in armor. never takes that shit off. he's sleeping oh so comfortably in his heavy ass armor <3! also the armor is wolf-themed it's important you guys know this until i get to draw him up. No one knows what race he is and kale tends to steer off the topic somehow. he's too tall to be an average tallman, but he couldn't be an ogre either... huh. not too related but his and psike's relationship is A Bit Abysmal. Psike tends to avoid dealing with him 1 on 1 a lot
kale's the other guy i think about regarding canon relationships! he'd find laios SUUUCCCHHH a joy. they're frolicking in the hills together. the thing is. kensuke doesn't seem to like kale... what a shame!
OH OH SOMETHING EXTRA IMPORTANT I FORGOT TO MENTION. part of me feels like kale's name wouldn't be kale in here. haven't decided what it would be, if that's the case tho.
anywyas. thats all. its almost 3 am rn enjoy + feel free to ask questions!
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futurefind · 1 year ago
get to know me meme
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1. favorite colors: raspberry pink & teal!! yes like reas psd lmao
2. favorite flavors: uhhhhhhhh. unsure!! standouts for individual flavors would be deep fried batter, butter, garlic, and sweets!!!
3. favorite genres: horror (esp movies), romance, fantasy, and action/adventure
4. favorite music: I love jrock (growing up on Naruto shaped me LMAO), Patent Pending, vocaloid (I love the 'crunch' of the synthesized music and voicebanks, so often I prefer them over their covers)... idk main ones would prolly be rock, pop, and (more picky with it) metal. Nothing screamo.
5. favorite movies: uhhhhhhhhh idk tbh I mostly watch horror and am not good at remembering movie names since they're one offs. But ones that stick out would be Rise of the Guardians, Mama, Your Name. RotG is a solid fave but others are just ones that impressed on me enough to remember their names at all
6. favorite series: Zelda!! Everything else I enjoy are either one-offs are not indicators of my interest in the entire series they're a part of (Persona Emblem vs Persona, Kirby Lost World, etc). Some of them I'd like to try the rest/more (Fire Emblem, Final Fantasy, etc) and haven't got around to it but others I'm not interested in (Persona). edits in atla/lok bc i forgot abt it entirely oops-- edits in x2: nasuverse at large and esp fate/ rip-
7. last song: I usually just have a select few character playlists on shuffle for work or the like but first new song would be Wish by Gia Navas (Romani FGO fansong :') ) and Ghost's cover of Stay from the last Insidious movie
8. last series: Once Upon a Broken Heart trilogy overall (much fun !! :') v much want more in that world and more lore on the Fates especially--) and just now finishing up Carol & the End of the World!! :') Very fun in its own way and cute but also augh
9. last movie: ignoring misc reruns on TV I don't remember it'd be streaming the Insidious series with friends— but before that either Puss & the Last Wish or Nemona idr which! (Nemona as a character is peak sacore btw :')))
10. currently reading: Finally working through Scum Villain Saving System first hand (the official localization), on top of misc Scarlett Claire (?) books to help sleep. Thank You Libby App &lt;3
11. currently watching: Finishing up Carol & the End of the World!! After that I'll be trying the YYH live action adaption LOL uwu
12. currently working on: uhhhhh nothing tbh!! I'd like to draw more but thats infinitely loosey goosey and nebulous along w longform fic ideas yk dghdsgh
tagged by: @tvrningout tagging: anyone/everyone!! if anyone sees it and hasnt done it and wants to go ahead!!
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yannig · 11 months ago
I'm not sure you wanted an answer, so if you don't, just tell me and I'll delete this.
But some of what you said resonated with me so I wanted to share some of my experiences in case it might help, being aroace myself.
First of all, yes, that video by Jaiden Animation is awesome, and resonated with a lot of aspec people!
Second of all, this video by Ace Dad Advice on "What is Attraction Anyway?" helped me a lot to differentiate between things like attraction, libido and arousal. (In general, Ace Dad Advice's videos have helped me a lot. They talk mostly about Asexuality, and some about Aromanticism and beong Agender.)
Third of all, it's very, very normal if it takes you time to sort through your feelings and decide on this. I think between me learning about asexuality and beginning to think it applied to me there was like 3 years? And then again before I started wondering about being aro?
I didn't 'feel wrong' either. I hadn't realized I wasn't feeling sexual attraction, and I just thought love would come on its own time. Especially because I wasn't sex or romance repulsed, and I did get aroused by fiction and shit.
I didn't recognize myself in the definition of asexuality the first time either. In fact, I spent several years collecting pins on Pinterest about asexuality before I even started to wonder if it applied to me. It took finding a definition of a specific micro-label for me to get a spark of "hey, that's me", and even after that, it took me a while to wrap my head around it.
I think part of why is because asexuality's definition is kinda made for allosexual people? Like, how am I supposed to know that I don't feel sexual attraction if I don't know how it is supposed to feel?! Allosexual people know, they experience it, so they know when they don't. But I've never experienced it, so how am I supposed to know, huh?! I think it's kind of like a lot of people don't know they're colorblind until they take a test ; because they've been told this color is named 'red' all their life and had no opportunity to realize they don't experience it the same way as the majority of people? So they've still been calling it red? Even though then can't actually see red?
Considering yourself bi/pan/omni because you don't understand how gender would influence one's attraction happens to a lot of aspec people. I thought I was pan for a good 3 years before I started realizing I was ace, and later aro. I some point in high school I was just like "hey, I don't really have any signs if I'm more attracted to girls or boys, so I guess I'm pan" (Spoiler: the absence of signs was actually a sign in itself).
(This does not mean actual bi/pan/omni people don't exist. of course they do. also you could be aspec and omni.)
On that topic: if you're asexual and omni, you could call yourself omniromantic.
Also for the whole "I do get aroused but only like for books and shit" part, you might want to check out Aegosexual. And in general the rest of the micro-labels on the Ace Spectrum wiki. I personally find micro-labels are often clearer than general definitions, because they're more precise.
And yes, you can get aroused by just a work and not even the characters, I know I do, because for me it's about the emotions and sensations it evokes more than anything else, if that makes sens?
Being very confused on the difference between romance and friendship is something I have experienced (and still do) a lot! I've stopped counting the number of times I started writing a scene with a character trying to understand their feelings for another character and who was like "wtf is romance anyway?". I do consider this to be a part of my aromantic experience, because most alloro people seems to know the difference.
I still don't fucking know what the difference is between romantic love and deep friendship. Yesterday I spent the afternoon with a friend I hadn't seen in a while. I was very exited beforehand and really happy to see him. I am also very sure I'm not in love with him (though he was the one person who actually made me think I had a crush on someone, years ago at the beginning of our friendship. reality is just he was my first neurodivergent friend.). A few months ago, I was spending time with a friend doing an activity they really like, and they looked so happy and blooming doing it, and I remember thinking "I think I understand why people fall in love with passionate people". I felt warmth and fondness looking at them like that, but I still never wanted to kiss them or take them out on dates or anything romantic. I was just happy to be there and share that moment with them, to back in their glow.
As for the demiromantic label, and the eternal question of "how else do you fall in love with someone if not by forming a close bond with them?". I think part of it is because romantic attraction is not just about falling in love? (from what I understand at least. I'm aro, I'm not speaking from experience). I think there is a difference between crushes and infatuation and falling in love. And apparently alloromantic people can get crushes on people they've known for a very short time (I've seen it happen several times). But yeah, I think love comes only with actually knowing someone, but there are things that come beforehand that play a huge part in romantic attraction like crushes and infatuation. I think. And demiromantic people need to know the person before they start forming a crush. Which alloro people clearly don't.
Anyway, I hope any of my ramble may have helped clarify some things.
Don't feel pressured to label yourself (no matter how vague or how precise). Take time to think (or not) on it.
Once again, it's normal for it to take time. And it's really, really normal to be confused. I know it can be uncomfy, but there is nothing intrinsically wrong with the confusion in itself.
Lots of love <3<2
I think i may be asexual?!
(okay this got longer than expected and i wanted to stop talking cuz ppl won't read it if it's so long and then i realized I'm not here to please anybody and i just wanna process some stuff so. yeah. also i come to realizations farther down that contradict some stuff from the beginning but I'll just leave my whole thought process here)
fun. um. I've realized I'm not straight two years ago and then started learning more about all things LGBT related and think myself educated enough on this topic but.
I've been pondering my sexuality and gender identity again more in recent days and. today i randomly stumbled across a yt video where the author (are you an author on yt? my brain is glitching rn)(also the 'author' in question is @jaidenanimationsofficial wonderful videos love the animation and the humor) talks about being aroace. few hours pass, my stomach hurts like hell so i go to lay down and sleep a bit, wake up and have a realization.
i googled again what asexuality is and read some more on this. i did this before and i guess i didn't see myself in it? so i kinda crossed it off the list of possible identities. i guess because i do want to have sex. i think. I'm not opposed to it and i get horny lmao. but that's only with fictional characters and works? like i just think: that was very sexy of you. but in a platonic way?! sex doesn't cross my mind. (also can you get aroused by music? or a good written work? or movie? like not even the characters but the work itself?) sorry i dunno I'm confused.
anyway i got a bit off track. what i wanted to say was that i suddenly remembered a convo i had with my sister a while ago where we talked about what is the difference between friendship and a romantic relationship. and she said it's that u wanna have sex with them and i was like ... i don't really think that's it...
and like. i get crushes i think. but I've never experienced this want to have sex with a particular person at least that i could remember. like a want to have sex? i guess yeah i mean not rlly sth i think about much but it's not unprecedented(see: i get horny)
honestly I'm not even sure anymore if im not aromantic as well. cuz queerplatonic sounds more like my jam?
like i felt(feel?) like omnisexual described me well because i think I'd be attracted to who the person is at their core. what if ur straight as a girl, date a boy, and then it turns out he's trans? i dunno i feel like gender isn't this fixed thing which then kinda creates problems when labeling urself with a certain sexuality. aaaa people came irl and i lost my train of thought. um. i feel like labeling myself anything other than omnisexual would feel limiting. even if i never developed a crush on a girl for example (i did), i still feel like i could potentially. like there's nothing stopping me. why shouldn't I?
that was written yesterday. it is now today and i have a whole lot of new thoughts and realizations.
I had a bit of a marathon with @jaidenanimationsofficial videos and i came across an older one she mentioned in the previous one i watched about being aroace(ik it's a mess) about how she couldn't understand why when romantic feelings are not mutual people don't just continue being friends. and i was like EXACTLY WHAT IS UP WITH THAT?! and um. ahem. do u really see it as a problem? I guess if everyone does. but I'm starting to seriously consider if I'm aroace as well which woah there. this happened in a span of a day and I'm not sure it's real and it doesn't feel real? some time will have to pass for me to check out this theory cuz. ppl often say they felt like there was sth wrong with them and then they discovered these terms and were like aHA that's it! that explains everything! and I didn't... have that? and I'm not sure to what extent i identify with aroace because reasons(ill talk about some of it below). and I'm not saying that not having this realization moment or not feeling like sth is wrong with me through my life devalidates my orientation and stuff but it makes me doubt i guess?
i also came to an important discovery that aroused and horny are not the same. who would have thought?! I said above i get horny but apparently being horny means to want to have sex. and i just get the physical part aka arousal. fun. someone help pls im so confused.
okay for the last part(which prolly won't be the last part but one can hope right?)
i said i realized i wasn't straight two years ago. that was when i realized i like my best friend as more than i friend. well it wasn't exactly that simple. tbh i think Lucifer(the series i am NOT a satanist) helped a lot with that? like i knew about some lgbt stuff before because I'm alive on this planet but it kinda made me think about a lot of stuff, and between that stuff was my sexuality as well. idk. it's not like i had a crush on any of the female characters. just got me thinking for some reason. like why is having sex with people you're not romantically involved with wrong? why is prostitution wrong if u enjoy it and get money for it and it's well managed and secure? but that's beside the point.
well anyway I didn't know what i felt towards my bff(I'll say bff cuz bf also stands for boyfriend so it feels weird) but it felt like more than friendship. didn't feel like sth romantic tho. then i discovered queerplatonic relationships exist and i was like i think that's it! and then new school year came i saw her again and doubts flared up. again there was never i wanna have sex with her, but there was an occasional i wanna kiss her. and she was so important to me so it has to be romantic love right?! romance is the highest form of love one can experience afterall! nothing whatsoever can compare to it!! it feels ✨magical✨ when you find you will finally be completed!!! anyways.
it felt like romantic love was the only thing that could justify me feeling this way. i won't go deeper into this because i already have a draft where i do(i have like 16 drafts with uncompleted rambles so...) I'll try to post it but. i told her and we're still good friends! it actually made me closer to the rest of my friend group(which i was only a part of on the paper before)(i was so focused on my bff before I didn't really do group) because i felt a bit distanced from her for a while(she's a people pleaser like me and even tho i think i can read her well im paranoid and i thought she may feel weird?). anyways i got close with 3 other amazing ppl in the meantime and my friendship with my bff hasn't suffered!
but between my feelings being kinda realized and me telling her a whole year has passed and in the end i wasn't even sure what i was feeling anymore just that i didn't want her not to know. idk.
now im wondering what it was. even back then half year pre confession i was thinking if it was just because someone was finally paying attention to me. i didn't really do friends before (i kinda had them but there were no deep convos or shared secrets) and then there was suddenly this person who genuinely enjoys spending time with me! and listens to my problems! and weird obsessions! this sounds kinda sad put like this ngl lmao. but this was the first time I had that deep connection with someone. two years in my confused feelings came. geez i got off track again. point is i thought i was straight up until then and then had a crisis cuz i thought i only liked her cuz she was giving me attention cuz i was straight goddamit! ANYWAYS.
this post has lost all direction. it is a frustrated ramble of a very confused person. let us continue
i will just sum up how i feel about genders and people because I'm a chronic oversharer. oops doops.
men: find them aesthetically pleasing, all celebrity crushes are in this category (there's only one really but if i found a celebrity attractive like not objectively but to me it was a man), i would also get kinda crushes on boys my age when i spent 5 minutes with them. don't ask. i think it's dopamine mining(i suspect i have adhd). im not used to male company and i kinda don't like it that much but the the ?butterflies? are still there. tbh i don't really know what to do with men. doesn't stop me from having crushes tho. i don't have any real desire to be in a romantic relationship with men. i don't exclude the possibility but i haven't found one i would want it with. i also don't know now to interact with them. let alone flirt. actually flirt in general. it feels like it would be cringe and belongs in bad movies.
women: freaking amazing!! love them! no celebrity crushes, one irl crush which might have moved beyond crush(i suspected the L word for a while) to friends or it might have never been a crush in the first place! help! now there's another friend outside of my friend group who i may like. or i just enjoy her company? im not used to this yet. i forgot i think im aroace. this is killing me.
nonbinary/other genders: I haven't met any yet. there are some on discord servers im a part of but I don't really interact much just lurk there. i think irl experience would be different anyway.
someone please explain sth to me. you have sexual attraction okay get that(not really but that's not the point). but then there's romantic attraction. how do you separate that from friendship? just this intense feelings of wanting to be with them at all times? okay myb myb let's say u can separate them from friendship. what about queerplatonic? guys??
i am starting to dislike labels. this is confusing.
also i gotta figure this romantic thing out cuz im writing a fantasy series and there's romance involved lol.
okay so i guess i am at least asexual cuz i don't see ppl and go 'i wanna have sex with them'. i am not yet thoroughly convinced im aromantic as well but we'll see about that ig. because i still don't understand what the difference between romance and deep friendship is. aghhh
although if i can't tell the difference myb that answers the question.
also how does someone who is asexual but romantically attracted to all genders label themselves? like omnisexual ig doesn't work cuz it omnisexual.
i went to google aromantic and.
"demiromantic people have romantic attraction only after forming an emotional bond with another person."
HOW ELSE DO YOU HAVE ROMANTIC ATTRACTION??? Isn't this about who the person is?! Do you just see them and go: oh this must be such a good person. what?
like i understand sexual attraction when you see someone ig. but romantic? i really need someone to explain this to me in depth. i haven't even been asking the right questions.
"Quoiromantic people can't tell the difference between romantic and platonic attractions." Welp i guess i have a new label i can stick on myself. also the name is killing me. (quoi=what in french💀)
(edit: well this thing just posted itself. I DIDN'T HIT POST WTF. but it's out there now. ig it had enough of me adding new and new thoughts. im inclined to agree)
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tetsoorou · 3 years ago
faxing documents
♡ pairings: older timeskip!osamu miya x f!reader
♡ warnings: 18+ MDNI!!!! older osamu (like late 40s/early 50s), boss/employee relationship, office sex, implied spanking, unprotected sex, creampie, lil bit of a breeding kink, osamu is a tease, osamu says “good girl” once, rough sex, use of pet names (darling + sweetheart), a hint of exhibitionism, no mention or implication of reader’s age but i wrote this in mind w reader being in their 20s
♡ wc: 960
♡ a/n: just a couple of lil hc’s about dilf ‘samu <3 inspired by the dilf at my work who’s done a couple of these (minus the whole bent over the desk thing) n lit up my imagination hehe. also ik dilf literally starts w “dad” but i decided to not write him w kids ! ahhhh sorry it’s a lil long, this is my first time writing hc’s + realized that keeping things short n sweet is not my strong suit </3
!!! 𝔪𝔦𝔫𝔬𝔯𝔰 𝔡𝔬 𝔫𝔬𝔱 𝔦𝔫𝔱𝔢𝔯𝔞𝔠𝔱 !!!
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dilf!osamu who never had the chance to settle down; just couldn’t seem to find the time between all the work that came with starting and building onigiri miya. atsumu has constantly nagged him about it over the years, always trying to set him up on dates with a friend of a friend of a friend - chastising him with a “yer gonna die alone ‘samu!” when he’d impolitely decline. osamu would eventually give in, if nothing but to shut his brother up, though nothing ever really came of it beyond the occasional second or third date.
dilf!osamu whose hair is starting to revert to the silver color reminiscent of the one he sported in high school when he meets you – in an interview for the lead chef position at the new location he’s opening up in tokyo. not only are you perfect for the job, surpassing every single one of his expectations – but fuck, he thinks you’re the prettiest little thing he’s ever laid eyes on. so naturally, he hires you on the spot.
dilf!osamu who knew he had to have you from the moment his hand brushed against yours in the break room your first week. he had found you struggling with the coffee machine and took the mug from your hands – “here, it’s a little finicky, lemme help ya.” – fingers grazing over your smaller ones in the process. all it took was that one, brief little touch to have you stumbling back out of his way and heat shooting up to your cheeks, body so obviously clueing him in to the little crush you’ve developed. you avert your eyes to the ground and stutter out a quiet “o-oh, thank you.” so cute, he thinks.
dilf!osamu who knows the effect he has on you, making sure to leave little crumbs of attention here and there for you to mull over: a brush of his arm against yours as he watches you cook, a gentle hold on your wrist to reposition your hand while molding the rice, a squeeze on your shoulder as he praises your work. and sure, maybe the way his hand drops from its place on your shoulder to the small of your back as he makes his way to the door is rather unnecessary and a bit too low to be friendly – but you don’t notice. not when he momentarily presses his hips into your back, muttering “excuse me, sweetheart,” right in your ear and watching – delighted – at the way you freeze and your breath hitches in your chest.
dilf!osamu who catches you off guard a few weeks later when you’re complaining to him about it being particularly slow. “well, I could think of a coupla things we could do,” he counters, voice lowering with the idea of something that is definitely a little more than friendly. the implication makes you choke on the water you’re drinking, sputtering out a high-pitched “what?” between fits of coughs and gasps for air. “i have a few documents that need ta be faxed is all,” his soft laugh bounces off the tiled walls and echoes throughout the kitchen as he pats your back. “ya alright there, darlin’?” but he knows – and you question whether you know too – what he really meant.
dilf!osamu who calls you into his office before the shop closes for lunch, something along the lines of him wanting your opinion on a new recipe. but he’s on top of you before the door can even click shut, reaching behind you to lock it as you ask “what are you –“. he cuts you off with the slam of his lips against yours and your eyes remain open, unblinking, for the second it takes you to register the situation, then flutter closed as you curl your hand in the collar of his shirt to pull him harder against you. he only breaks away when you need to breathe, taking the opportunity to guide one of your hands down to the bulge in his pants; “see what ya do ta me?”
dilf!osamu who bends you over his desk, handprint etched into the fat of your ass, gripping bruises into your waist as your juices drip down your legs and onto the papers that were hastily shoved to the floor. he thrusts into you so hard the desk inches forward, the scratch of metal against carpet and your cries the only sounds filling the room. he shoves his fingers in your mouth in an attempt to keep you quiet, not that he’s trying too hard though – he’d be lying if he said the way you’re screaming his name didn’t inflate his ego and go straight to his cock.
dilf!osamu who cums deep inside your cunt with a growl of “good girl” in your ear and pulls your panties back up your wobbly legs for you, sending you out of his office still stuffed full of his cum. “ya better not waste a single fuckin’ drop,” he says, voice hardly above a whisper, corner of his mouth twitching up in a smirk as his cock stirs in his pants at the thought of you walking around with his cum pooling in your panties.
dilf!osamu who tells you to stick around after closing today, and waits for you by the door as you gather your things with a small, yet devilishly handsome smile stretched across his face. he leans against the wall, arms crossed, as he watches you move about, the fabric of his t-shirt – a little too tight – clinging to his biceps and pulling taut across his chest. “lemme take ya out ta dinner,” he says, much more of a declaration than a question - damn well knowing you couldn’t possibly squeak out anything but an eager, breathless “o-okay.”
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reblogs, likes, n comments v much appreciated! ♥︎
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wangxianficfinder · 2 years ago
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Fic Finder
1. Hello, I'm looking for a fic where wwx does not want to date guys who are not wealthy; lwj is his roomate and is in love with wwx but he thinks he doesn't have a chance because he is hiding he's very rich and fakes being almost poor (he even hides his credit card for emergencies). I think wwx also liked him but didn't want to try anything because he thinks lwj is poor. Thank for your help!
2. hello hello!! for FF, i swear ive saved this fic but i... cant find it. its a modern au. i remember everyone was famous, in one way or another. not a streamer au. LZ communicated only through emoji, borrowing LXC's account, except at the end only to reply to WY. he has a rly good relationship w JYL! she understands the emojispeak. im almost sure this is the same fic that has NMJ and JGY arguing about the whole thing online, something like a side commentary. definitely ao3, not a twt thread.
FOUND! and so my heart beats wildly by lily_winterwood (E, 106k, WangXian, Modern with Magic, Rivalry, Competition, Competition-Set Fic, Athletes, Multimedia, Miscommunication, frenemies to lovers, Rivals to Lovers, Slow Burn, Mutual Pining, Seemingly One-sided But Actually Mutual Pining, Oblivious WWX, Competitive Cultivation, Anal Sex, First Time, Angst with a Happy Ending, Olympics, Inappropriate use of an Olympic gold medal, Breathplay, Rough Sex, Food Porn, Switching, Bottom LWJ)
3. Hi there! I was wondering if you could find two fics for me please. A) One is where wwx isn’t allowed to go to a festival bc of punishment or smth but he creates a disguise as Jiang Feihua and goes with jc. Him and lwj are married in this fic and wwx joins a dancer group for like a minute too. B) The other is where wwx and lwj are both students at two different universities (wwx is an engineering student and lwj is a music student) and join together to create a project after being randomly assigned to each other. There’s a lot of zoom calls and strangers to friends to lovers. There’s also one scene where wwx crawls to lwj and is just being a little teasing gremlin. Thank you!!!
FOUND? A Flower in Bloom (or Wei Wuxian Crashes a Party) by UmbrellaMartialGod (E, 30k, WangXian, Post-Canon, Crossdressing, Humor, Fluff and Smut, Established Relationship, Festivals, Dancer WWX, Insecurity, Blow Jobs, Anal Sex, Porn with Feelings, mild possessive behavior)
FOUND? synesthesia by uchiuchi (T, 28k, wangxian, modern, college/university au, strangers to friends to lovers, pining)
4. Hiiii!! I'm hoping yall can help me because I've tried looking for this fic for ages and no luck. It's an au where when a person touches you, they leave a colored mark, except wwx only has one from his parents and no one else, and it ends up he was cursed and just could get any bc of it. Pleeeaaasse if yall can help I'd be eternally grateful!!! @crystalizednight
FOUND! pastel by antebunny (G, 6k, WangXian, Modern AU, College/University, Soulmates, Heavy Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Found Family, Self-Esteem Issues, Misunderstandings, Angst with a Happy Ending, Unrequited Love, but not actually, no courtesy names)
Or the fic it was inspired by
Not FOUND leading tone by silencemostofall (G, 32k, WangXian, Modern AU, Soulmates, with a lil twist, Eventual Happy Ending, Music, Orchestra, [Podfic] Leading Tone by silencemostofall by Beria1021)
5. hi, i’m looking for a fic that’s actually based on the author’s tumblr posts! i remember that wangxian were in an arranged marriage, and that it was unrequited love. wwx loves lwj, but lwj doesn’t. i think lwj is a second prince and/or general and was deployed in war. wwx followed him to war much to lwj’s dismay (?). i hope you can help me find this, thank you! <3
hi, i was the one who submitted the previous ask about wangxian arranged marriage wherein general and/or prince lwj joined the war to avoid wwx but he was followed by wwx. i’m not sure if wwx was royalty or simply held in high esteem. i’m sorry that i’m sending another ask but i forgot to add that there’s no cultivation world in that au! so there’s not golden cores and whatnot! as i said, there was a whole dedicated tumblr posts about that au by the author. thanks!
FOUND! sarah-yyy's rebuttable presumption series
6. Hi I was wondering if you know of this fic where wwx does a thing but time travels into to the past except he has his own body. So instead of becoming 15 he stays 17 and meets a younger version of himself. Jiang family find this older wwx hard to handle because he is so different from younger wwx.
FOUND? MingYu by Fino_Al_Cielo (T, 87k, WWX & LWJ, YL WWX, yunmeng siblings, Fix-It of Sorts, Time Travel, Canon Divergence, Somebody Lives/Not Everyone Dies, PTSD, References to Depression, Implied/Referenced Suicide, Suicidal Thoughts, Angst and Hurt/Comfort, Slow Burn, Trauma) with an older WWX time traveling and winds up posing/pretending to be WWX's older brother since they are so different
7. Hi. Thank you for all your hard work with this blog, and the recs. I've found so many good fics thank to all the lovely mods and their hard work. I have been trying to find this fic myself, but alas I have had no success and I turn to you in my desperation. I'm searching for a fic where Wei Wuxian is helping the Dafan Wens get away when he gets a cut on his foot. He ignores it and it turns septic and his foot/lower leg needs to be amputated. The Wens build him a prosthetic out of wood and he invents talismans to keep it attached. Please, would you or your followers be so kind as to help me find it? Thank you!
FOUND? we're starting at the end by Miss_Enthusiasimal (M, 92k, WangXian, JC & WWX, Time Travel, Canon Divergence, Implied/Referenced Suicide, Golden Core Reveal, Hurt/Comfort, Angst, Starvation, emaciation, Cannibalism, Self-Harm, Amputation, Suicidal Thoughts, Sunshot Campaign, let JZX and WWX be friends club, WWX loses a foot)
8. HI! I was wondering if anyone knows the fic where wq came to wwx for help during a banquet and wwx saved her, the dafan wen and lsz by saying that lsz is his child. im not really sure if there was a golden core reveal but there definitely was a sort of yunmeng bro recon. thank you so much in advance! @remembermexingan
FOUND? 💖 The Epic Lie of the Yiling Laozu and His Wife by JaenysBloodcourt (T, 9k, wangxian, WWX/WQ, fake/pretend relationship, fake marriage, misunderstandings, lies, jealousy, BAMF WWX, yiling wei  au)
FOUND? that is a door by ShanaStoryteller (Not rated, 7k, WWX/WQ, marriaged of convenience, WQ pov, post-war)
9. Hello there, terribly sorry to be a bother but my dumbass forgot to book mark a fic and I conveniently forgot the name. Just my luck. I was hoping you guys could find it for the next fic finder. 🙏🏻
All I remember is it was sort of a tgcf crossover; wangxian had successfully ascended. But people started mistaking them for the rabbit god Tu er shen (?). Also: Jin Ling prays to them to help Jiang Cheng find romance. Jiang Cheng ended up with Nie Huaisang and WWX, having discovered he can shapeshift now he’s a god and ends up pregnant (because of course he does). Also Hua Cheng makes a brief cameo to mildly threaten the heavenly officials.
FOUND! Demonic Cultivator's Blessing, or: Curse of the Bunny Gods by FayJay (E, 24k, WangXian, ChengSong, Ascension, romcom, Unlikely matchmaker heavenly officials, genderflip, Because that is something heavenly officials can do, Pregnancy, Mpreg kinda but not really because WWX is technically female at the time, Demonic Cultivator's Blessing, or: Curse of the Bunny Gods [PODFIC] by Opalsong)
10. Hello! For your next fic finder, I'm looking for a modern au where wwx was homeless for a while (but not during most/all of this fic)(possibly kicked out but i cant remember). Jz implies to lz that wwx turned to prostitution, but later wwx says he did construction. That's all I can remember clearly. Thank you and your followers for all your help!
FOUND! Where’s Your Emergency? by trippednfell (M, 64k, WangXian, 911 Dispatcher WWX, Single dad LWJ, Kid fic, Modern AU, D&D Games, Angst with a happy ending) the scene occurs in chapter 15
11. Hiii!! So i read a fic where right after wwx died, they found this ball thing that enabled them to basically look into his memories of when he was still alive. They all found out he didn’t do the things he was accused of and the juniors help reincarnate wwx, if u can find it id really appreciate it 😁😁 @tupurware
FOUND? 🧡Misunderstood by Silver_Flame_2724 (M, 250k, wangxian, heavy angst, fluff, eventual happy ending, implied/referenced rape/non-con, misunderstandings, self-harm, self-hatred, family fluff, mental breakdown, cannibalism, reincarnation, WIP 31/33)
12. Heyoo! Im looking for a fic where both lwj amd wwx time travelled to CR days. I think lwj died in a nighthunt with a boar. They didn’t know the other also travelled but one day lwj hears wwx play wx and yeahh they knew. I think wwx hears some kind of melody or song in his head? LQR was a good uncle in that! Thank you! @sandriya-artemis
FOUND? The Wild Geese's Tomb by The Feels Whale (miscellea) (T, 56k, WangXian, XiYao, Time Travel AU, fixit, Temporary Character Death)
13. I’ve been looking for this fic I read in passing, which isn’t my normal taste or pairing, and still can’t find it even after limiting the search options. The pairing is JC/LWJ and happens during the 13 years WWX is dead and I only remember two specifically key events that happened in said story. One was that a demonic cultivator who was really young was taken into Lan custody but took a nail from the barn he was being held in to kill himself. The other was LWJ pushed JC hard enough to hit his head on the floor and daze him? The fic is definitely on Ao3. Any help would be nice~ @youkaimeimi
14. Hello! Thank you for all your hardwork, you're a blessing to this fandom ♥ For the next fic finder, i'm looking for a fic that was a fic set in CR era, and lwj is a vampire. Except he's a fruit bat vampire and only eats fruit. wwx finds out about his vampirism but he thinks he's the type that drinks blood? That's about all I remember. Thanks for your help!
FOUND? WEI WUXIAN, VAMPIRE HUNTER series by Suspicious_Popsicle (T, 19k, wangxian, modern, crack, OOC, getting together, fluff)
15. Hello. This is for the fic finder. I've been looking for a fic where wwx is in Cloud Recesses for the lectures and goes to the back hills to read his porn, there was a scene in the book he was reading where the woman (I think?) was penetrating the man. Then, wwx decides to try it with his fingers and lwj finds him in that position.
FOUND? Rest My Chemistry by ilip13 (E, 10k, WangXian, Canon Divergence, Porn with Feelings, Sex Pollen, Dubious Consent, Kink Negotiation, Undernegotiated Kink, Dom/sub Undertones, Mutual Masturbation, Hand Jobs, Frottage, Intercrural Sex, Anal Sex, Kissing, Come as Lube, Orgasm Delay/Denial, Orgasm Control, Multiple Orgasms, Consensual Non-Consent)
FOUND? Deep in the Woods by malkinmalkout (E, 5k, WangXian, Getting Together, First Time, Consensual Underage Sex, Voyeurism, Dirty Talk, Masturbation, punishment kink, Canon Divergence, Cloud Recesses, PWP, Semi-Public Sex, Mention of Heterosexual Porn)
16. Hi! I've just been going through your blog and thank you so much for all you do! I have been looking for this fic similar to one called decay that you had found for an ask before where LWJ plays for WWX to cleanse him except they are married I think? And WWX is hiding his pain and once LWJ discovers the truth he is angry and maybe goes into seclusion and moves out of their house. The discovery happens when WWX almost dies and everyone is like you would have made him your murderer?!?! @myblognewagain
FOUND! A Price To Pay by wangxianist (E, 116k, WangXian, XuanLi, Arranged Marriage, Prophecies and Curses, Angst with a Happy Ending, Accidental Baby Acquisition, warning for yzy's f minus parenting, Cultivation Sect Politics, Family Drama, Canon Divergence, Explicit Smut)
17. Hi! Can you help me find a wangxian fic? I don’t remember much, but I think it’s post-canon. Wangxian are married(?), but it is mild emotional hurt/comfort from Wei Wuxian’s perspective because he sees Wanji with a Lan sect lady. He thinks Wanji might be interested in her because Wuxian thinks Wanji looks really good with the lady, a more fitting couple? He doesn’t say anything and just goes about business as usual, doing his sect duties, etc., because I think he just wants to enjoy stuff while he can(?). Later when Wanji finds out, he’s a bit heartbroken that Wuxian would do so much for someone he thinks is cheating on him. Wanji eventually introduces Wuxian to the Lan sect lady, and she’s like a SUPER elder who has really high cultivation which is why she looks so young. I think they were hanging out because she’s planning on ‘dying’ soon. That’s all I remember. Thank you!
FOUND? Ch.5 of White Flag by incendir (T, 37k, WangXian, NHS/NZH, OMC / OMC, 4+1 things)
FOUND? What Comes After Love by Rainbow_Horizon (T, 17k, WangXian, POV LWJ, Protective LWJ, LWJ Has Feelings, POV WWX, Sad WWX, Jealous WWX, Módào Zǔshī & The Untamed Combination, Post-Canon, Insecurity, Chief Cultivator LWJ, Break Up, Separations, Healing, Angst with a Happy Ending, Established Relationship, marriage issues, Marriage Proposal)
18. Hello there! I’ve got a fic finder request because my dumbass forgot to bookmark a fic yet again :D. I have no idea what it’s called but it was cloud recesses study era, and the beginning stated out with wangxian f!ckin in the cold spring and wwx telling lwj that he didn’t need to take responsibility. They then had a lot of sex after that that led to a suspicious Jiang Cheng and a very stressed out Wen Ning at one point. They get caught at it in the library pavilion at the end (and traumatise lqr). I would be very thankful if you guys could find it (amazed y’all do this for free Ngl)
FOUND! Straight at the Sun by diamondbruise (E, 33k, WangXian, Canon Universe, no war though, Mutual Pining, Pining while fucking, Misunderstandings, First Time, Anal Sex, wwx desperately wants lwj’s attention, lwj desperately wants to marry wwx, Miscommunication, Jealousy, in abundance, Happy Ending)
19. hello im looking for a fic i can't remember the title of. i only remember it's a time travel one (i think jc did the time traveling) and the only scene i remember is the ending where jc is holding baby jl and jl's face is all scrunched up and jc realizes jl traveled to the past too. id be grateful if anyone finds it thank you!
NOT FOUND! Lynchpin by ShanaStoryteller (Not Rated, 103k, WangXian, JC & WWX, Time Travel, Fix-It, Lynchpin [PODFIC] by Opalsong) the quote regarding jc and jl: “A-jie places his nephew in his arms and Jiang Cheng looks down at that little squalling scrunched up face and knows. This is Jin Ling.”
FOUND! good hunting by baekhyun (baruna) (T, 18k, JC & WWX, WangXian, Time Travel Fix-It, Complicated Relationships, Sibling Bonding, Dysfunctional Family, Humor, Angst, not romance-oriented, JC-centric)
20. Hello! For fic finder, it was a fic where Lan Zhan and Wei Ying were engaged and Wei Ying was acually happy about it until Lan Zhan pushed him in water, the fic shows them being married and trying to fix the misunderstanding. Thank you for everything you do! @itz-a-spooky-lesbian
Number 20 was definitely a Twitter thread! I remember reading it on there but u can't remember who the author was! I'll try to look for it but hopefully knowing where its from will help narrow down the search!
FOUND! This Twitter threadfic
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i-like-yoongi-a-latte · 2 years ago
The year is coming to its end so it's time for my silly little love letter post 💕 I hope this year has been good for you, or if it wasn't, I'm sending hugs bc same, but hey we made it through! I hope next year brings you kindness, good energy, rest and overall happiness 🥰
Happy New Year lovelies!!
These are not in any order, you're all very important to my tumblr experience <3
♥ @taetaestykookie Marrissa my new bestie to yell about BTS with!!! I love following your bias crisis and making your friends/family members become fans! Even though you live far away and timezones suck I'm so happy to be able to randomly send you stuff in like three different apps all about the same thing... I wish cute Tata/Cooky stuff finds their way to you! Thank you for being my friend, I appreciate you 💝
♥ @washyourdamnhands Kinga, the person who's like a warm comforting hug! Always sending me nice videos and making me smile, I adore you 💕
♥ @asgh0sts Danny, I loooove seeing Exo on my dash and that's because of you, also seeing old Shinee photos makes me cry (but in a good way you know). You also gave me good advice once and I felt so happy!! I've also been thinking about Valentine's Day cards already, and I've been meaning to ask you if you want to receive one from me, so let's say this acts like a question for you and a reminder for me hehe. Thank you for being my friend!! 🧡
♥ @danhalen A person who makes me smile, Reny! The thought of you makes me warm and giggly, I really love to send cards to you (I hope the card that's on its way comes home to you safely!!) and I really appreciate you for being my friend!! 💘
♥ @sepastian-ahoey the Sepe to my Teukka, or should I say a demon for making me get new interests.......... I'm feeling like I'll be following the F1 more next year... We also have a Max document date already planned so I'm waiting for that!!! Thank you for being my friend and tolerating all the rants about kpop that you don't know anything about but still kinda do, I promise to listen to your rants in the future too 💞
♥ @firefighter-diaz oh the broken blorbos.... The reason why I listened to Taylor's new album is this person right here!!!! Also I adore you, sending me postcards from cool places and all 🥺 also helping me with my silly questions and making me feel happier and also making me feel like my jokes are funny! remember hun, coaches don't play!! and!!! I will always listen if you have something on your mind ❣️
♥ @chanstopher Dreamy!! The reason I became even more obsessed with Chris's nose!!! As a nose enthusiast™ this was very nice. I could probably write essays about your talents, but like even if we don't talk much here, I really really really appreciate you. You're so kind and lovely, your art is amazing, you make gifs super fast and they're so pretty every time, and when you show the original coloring vs yours I'm always like h o w. Also I'm still giggling about your kind comment to my Leebit <3333 annnd I love to read your little posts about Chan's room when I can't watch it myself! and I also remember saying I'd show you my paintings but I haven't painted - I drew a horse though - but I'll try to remember it when I paint hehe. I wish all the best for you, may Chris bless us you with cute selfies that show his adorable nose 🥰
♥ @ambivartence Siyuan, the lovely person with who I can have fun ask game answers with! How do I even start. Every time I see your art I smile along the wiggly lines, I try to find little hearts and when I do I feel so warm!! Your art is so warm, I can't explain. Also your Seonghwa and Hongjoong live rent-free in my head, and it's also one reason I should get into Ateez more! You're so kind and lovely and I love to read your tags on posts!! I adore you 💝
♥ next I wanna say thanks to the gc, @fangirlinglikealoon & @heiskasmiro, you make me smile so much you have no idea!! No matter what app we're using to communicate, it always feels so nice to see your names appear in my notifications! I appreciate you so much, just know that 💘💘
annnnd here are some other lovely people that make me smile just by seeing their urls <33
♥ @reedskz ♥ @suklaakuppikakku ♥ @trashkingdom ♥ @joel-farabee ♥ @juhollamago ♥ @diazactually ♥ @yjbg ♥ @finnishhockeyelf ♥ @lily-blue-blue-lily ♥ @bortuzzzzin ♥ @thewestishharpooners ♥ @thosedaysthatwill ♥
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workofheart · 4 years ago
jean kirstein relationship hcs
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sorry for the inactivity lately y’all school is whooping my ass </3 in the mean time, have some modern jean relationship hcs bc i miss him
protective boyfriend #1 ♡ ♡ ♡ will not hesitate to yell at ppl if they’re mean or rude to you, he doesn’t want anyone coming near you like that. thinks his partner deserves the absolute best and will not tolerate people disrespecting you or even thinking of disrespecting you. he will defend you til the day he dies, even if it embarrasses you
asks the waiter for a new dinner when yours is undercooked and you’re too nervous to say something. if you’re a person w social anxiety or just don’t feel like doing something, he would do things for you no problem, whether its fetching you something, paying for you, ordering for you, etc. he’s not gonna tease you or make fun of you, he’s just happy to help
he’s a sappy drunk :’) when he’s hammered, he gets all clingy and drags you onto the couch to cuddle w you/hangs off of you while you walk home and tells you all about how he feels about you and how he wants to spend his life with you and have dogs and a cute home forever. has the cutest little giggle while literally pouring out his feelings for you 
and if you bring it up in the morning, you KNOW he’s gonna get so shy and red like “oh... i said that? haha...”
his biggest dream is just domesticity with you - like i mentioned, living somewhere beautiful in a nice house with a beautiful family or just you and him :( he really cherishes you and just dreams about spending his life with you. his “happy place” is very likely just the two of you sitting in a field by a river on a sunny day, maybe with some sandwiches and sparkling water, with all the time in the world watching ducks swim by
i imagine that you were previously friends before starting to date, but he’d been seriously pining for you since the beginning, just never wanted to make you uncomfortable and was too scared to say anything. he’d go home after hanging out w you and just sigh (probably yell into his pillow in frustration too but shh) bc he just felt like if it wasn’t you, then who else?
meanwhile you’re being so obvious that you like him back but he keeps reasoning that you’re just being nice and wouldn’t actually want him like that 
was ready to settle for friendship and just lock away his feelings when you just pulled him aside and confessed directly. he was a strangely confused yet happy daze for the following weeks
is a sucker for romance movies - likes imagining him and you in those scenarios, romanticizes your own relationship shamelessly. i feel like he’d enjoy 500 days of summer and... wait for it... clueless. I KNOW. it’s his guilty pleasure. also consider: he bawled his eyes out at the end of la la land.
loves beach dates! loves the beach, loves the boardwalk, loves everything about that summer atmosphere. waits in line to get you funnel cake and then you sit and eat, people watching and making up stories for everyone that passes by and just laughing while you enjoy the fresh summer air. in the arcades, totally the type to win himself a cute plushie but when ur like “omg!! is that for me?” he goes oh yeah haha.. but don’t think he doesn’t notice when you’ve been eyeing up a specific toy at the ring toss stand. he will not hesitate to play game after game until he gets it for you. 
lover of back hugs. he is so generous, literally towers over you no matter ur height, just wraps his arms around u and holds u <3 it makes you feel so safe and loved and that’s all he wants for you 
carries you wherever possible. up the stairs, down the stairs, from the kitchen to the living room and back. he always boasts about how easy it is to pick you up bc he’s strong and it boosts his confidence lol
constantly tells you how pretty he thinks you are. jean always thinks you look beautiful so he always compliments your outfits and your hair and your makeup, leans into ur ear to whisper it to u and make u giggle even when it’s just the two of you at home
on that note: always gets caught staring at you and he blushes so easily when you call him out for it. can’t stop looking at you over the top of his newspaper when you’re having breakfast in the morning, can’t stop looking at you while you’re making dinner for him, can’t stop looking at you while you work or study
for valentines/your birthday/holidays he always makes you cute handmade cards out of colored construction paper. he finds a new design every single time and spends so long on it, and finishes by writing out how he feels on the inside. can u just imagine him sitting at his desk, tongue poking out of his mouth with a glue stick in hand as he lays down different colored paper hearts :( 
teases you nonstop. always poking fun at you, probably make jokes about how “irresistible” he is and how you can’t keep away lol, thinks you look adorable when you’re flustered
u give him haircuts when it’s getting long, he sits on a stool in ur bathroom and u just give him a trim every once in a while. trusts you not to fuck it up (not that you ever would) and it always comes out so nice and it makes his heart swell just to have you there to do such intimate, sort of domestic things for him.
pet names! i know so many people have talked about this but it’s just so true. has tried everything in the book to see what you like, watches carefully to see how you respond so he knows, occasionally calls you something silly like “pookie” just to get a reaction out of you
needs verbal communication. jean always has so much on his plate and has a lot of insecurities, so he really needs that reassurance that you need him and love him every day until he can accept it for himself
favorite position to sleep in is him on his back with your head on that area between his neck and shoulder, holds you really close during the night. loves loves loves when you nestle into him and cling to him for warmth when you’re asleep. has trouble sleeping if you aren’t there
dotes on you so much seriously he is so sweet and caring, just so whipped for you. he is literally so weak and always gives into you just bc it makes you happy. you want to drive out for mcdonald’s at two in the morning for an apple pie and a shake? he’s getting his keys rn
nsfw below the cut (18+)
i think mostly everyone is in agreement that jean is a total pleasure dom - he spends all night getting you to cum again and again, always asking if you can give him one more
as mentioned earlier, teases. avoids giving you what you want at first, makes you use your words, and when when you do get it, you’re getting it. aka, overstim galore. he’s not stopping until you’re spent
so much dirty talk, asks so many questions to get you to talk. “louder for me, princess” type of guy. wants to reduce you to babbling with how good he makes you feel - the sounds you make get him so incredibly hard
he is also vocal bc he knows you like it. groans his name into your ear just to feel you clench, then laughs.
never forgets to mark you up, leaves hickeys all over your neck and chest and thighs. loves to look at them later on when you’re changing, and especially loves your reaction to seeing them for yourself
size kink!! this man is almost 6’3 so chances are he’s gonna be bigger than you regardless. likes being close to you, likes being in positions where he can see you, probably has an arm slung around your waist or back whenever the position allows for it so he can hold you close
pins your arms down, holds your hips to the bed so you just have to sink into the mattress and take it
every time he aims to fuck your brains out and make sure the only thing you’re thinking about is him and how good he makes you feel
his fingers are fucking magical, dear lord, he gets you so worked up and knows just how to touch you to make you squirm, loves seeing you go hazy and unravel on his fingers. his fingers are so long and gentle and stretch you out so nice + he knows exactly what to do, where to touch you, when to change his motions to get you there in minutes
needs to be kissing you when he makes you cum. swallows your moans, adores how you struggle to kiss him back with the pleasure he’s giving you
mirror sex is top tier for him, probably has one of those siding door closets w mirrors next to his bed so he can make you look at yourself and watch just what he’s doing to you
eye contact, will 100% grab your jaw to make you look at him, loves seeing you stare up at him through glassy eyes
literal KING of aftercare. takes such good care of you, gets you anything and everything you need, cleans up so well, gives you the world and more
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orchid3a · 3 years ago
idiots in love
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sypnosis: You and Senju have a crush for each other
pairing: witch!fem!reader x vampire!Akashi Senju + minor couples (bajifuyukazu, rinzu)
cw: kazu teasing reader, baji being an idiot regarding love, also reader and senju are idiots in love, wakasa beign done with the Akashis, Omi’s black card being stealed, Omi being called grandpa, Haru being rude as always, Rindou can’t stand his bf, senju girlboss and reader her wifey <3
wc: 1778 words
note: i'm a softie for senju and also Happy Halloween <3
taglist: @chiifxyuz​
comments and reblogs are appreciated <3
english isn’t my native language
Far away deep into the lush woods, there was a little cottage surrounded by blooming flowers and magical herbs.
Rumors said that inside that cottage there was a kind and gentle witch, who would grant you every wish you had. She was also an expert doctor and knew every little secret that herbs, and flowers had.
Everyone loved her, she was so kind with everyone and always ready to help every single helpless soul.
✿ ✿ ✿
Said witch, (y/n) (l/n), was trying new potions with a few herbs she found in the woods, with the help of her fellow wizard Matsuno Chifuyu.
“(y/n) are you sure that the potions should look...like this?” asked a worried Chifuyu, eyeing the suspicious violet liquid, not only its appearance wasn’t comforting, even its smell was terrible.
“Fuyu, you don’t have to worry, I know what I’m doing” the (h/c)-haired witch assured him.
“Ohh yes, now I can sleep peacefully, knowing that miss witchy has everything under control” sarcastically said Hanemiya Kazutora, a demon friend of (y/n), receiving from said witch a glare.
“That thing looks like shit, it’s like that time Takemicchi cooked for us” exclaimed Baji Keisuke, a werewolf also friend of the witch, pointing disgustedly at the cauldron.
“Kei watch your mouth, or I will transform you into a dog.” calmly said the girl.
Keisuke ignored her “threat” and began to wander around his friend’s cottage, glacing all the books laying on the floor. Most of them were old and the language used was from at least from two or three centuries before.
“(y/n) why are you preparing this?” asked Kazutora while he was playing with (y/n)’s familiar, a black cat named Salem.
“Senju-chan asked me.” responded the witch while adding herbs in the cauldron, the liquid was changing color from violet to a dark green.
Hearing the girl’s name, all three males exchanged a glare and Kazutora smirked playfully.
“Your dear friend, Akashi Senju, right?” said the demon with a taunting tone.
(y/n) stopped her tracks and she could feel her embarrassment all over her face, what Kazutora was implying?
“W-Why you said that!” she shouted embarrassed.
“Kazu said nothing, (y/n) why are you so worked up?” Keisuke answered without hiding his smirk.
“Akashi Senju? Isn’t she that vampire that won against Terano South, the alpha of the pack Rokuhara Tandai?” questioned Chifuyu, he can’t believe that (y/n) a pacifist could be friends with someone known for their strength.
(y/n) nodded and poured the potion in a glass bottle under the watchful eyes of her friends.
“Are you trying to poison her? That thing could kill at least six people” asked Keisuke while Kazutora and Chifyu silently agreed with him.
The girl pouted and said “Senju-chan wanted something to improve her resistance against the sun, you idiots!! So, I asked Sensei if she knew something, and she suggested this potion.”
“So (y/n)-chan when will you confess your feelings for Senju?” maliciously asked Kazutora, he seemed delighted when he saw her embarrassment.
“S-S-Shut up!! You demon!!” the witch responded.
Keisuke was laughing seeing (y/n) running after Kazutora with her broom in her hands, while the demon was still teasing her. Chifuyu sighed and began asking the werewolf how the girls met.
✿ ✿ ✿
Akashi Senju sighed for the nth time all day, she rolled over and over on her bed trying to distract herself from her thoughts.
Seated on her bed there was Imaushi Wakasa, a friend of Senju and a vampire, who was carefully looking at the girl trying to understand what was in her mind.
“Little princess what’s on your mind? Ya know that I can’t read minds, right?” teased Wakasa playing with a strand of Senju’s white hair.
“You can’t understand Waka, it’s too complex, even Omi can’t understand it.” pouted Senju, her blue eyes becoming glossy like she was going to cry.
The bi-colored man sighed and patted her hair. “I will always help you, little princess. Besides, Omi is a grandpa and that’s why he can’t understand” Wakasa replied, smirking.
The white-haired girl smiled a little after hearing Wakasa, maybe he would really help her.
“There is this friend of mine, she’s a witch...and I think I have a crush on her” she muttered while her cheeks were burning.
“She’s really a marvelous person, she helps everyone who needs help. Whenever she smiles, I feel my heart burning, like it’s the sun itself that is burning my skin turning me into ashes. When she pays attention to me, even a glance, in my stomach there are thousands of butterflies. Whenever I’m with her my soul is blessed with peace and tranquility.” finished Senju with red cheeks and glossy eyes.
The man was surprised, this was his first time seeing Senju so open about her feelings towards a stranger, he smiled and hugged her.
“Senju tell her everything” he only said.
“Eh? Waka are you crazy!? I-I can’t tell her. W-What if she doesn’t like me? I don’t want to end our friendship because of my stupid feeling” she responded panicked at the idea of (y/n) turning down her, even worse if she didn’t like her in that way.
Wakasa flicked her forehead, hearing from the white-haired girl a cry.
“Little princess don’t be such a coward, I can’t believe you fear rejection more than fighting with a werewolf like South. And I thought that Omi was the dumbest in love.” laughed Wakasa “Be honest with her, just like you were with me and don’t be afraid.” he finished smiling.
The white-haired girl nodded “Thank you Waka, your words made me reflect. I will tell her everything! Bye!” exclaimed happily and ran off.
✿ ✿ ✿
“(y/n) I didn’t know you were dumber than Baji-san regarding feelings.” exclaimed Chifuyu after hearing the girl’s story.
“What does that mean Chifuyu” Keisuke questioned
“Well, let’s say that I don’t want to ruin my friendship with Senju-chan” meekly respond (y/n).
Kazutora looked at her and then he faced Chifuyu saying “It’s even dumber than Baji”.
“(y/n) don’t be a weakling, man up and confess!” ordered Keisuke, proud of his advice.
“Baji-san, you shouldn’t talk about confessions. It took you at least four years to confess to both Kazutora and me” Chifuyu teased him while Kazutora snickered.
“I will kill both you two!!” Keisuke shouted embarrassed.
The other two both laughed while Keisuke’s cheeks were red, even (y/n) laughed a little.
(y/n) wasn’t sure how things would turn out if she revealed her feelings to Senju, she couldn't forgive herself if she destroyed their beautiful bond.
“I will try guys” she half-promised.
After an hour the trio left her claiming that they needed to do some commissions, but she knew that they left her so she could reflect by herself.
The witch was lost in her thoughts when she heard the voice of the last person she wanted to meet.
 ✿ ✿ ✿
“(y/n)-chan!!” shouted an extremely happy Senju.
“Senju-chan, why are you running? Are you okay? Do you need any kind of help?” the (h/c)-haired witch bombarded her with questions.
She seems more like her mom rather than a friend, Senju laughed at the thought and then hugged her.
(y/n) didn’t respond to the hug since she was confused by the white-haired girl’s behavior, she was acting strange. Senju was always a touchy person but today was extremely touchy, something was wrong.
“Okay Senju-chan what’s wrong? Did you take Takeomi’s black card without his permission?” (y/n) asked without breaking the hug.
“Not yet, but I have something to tell you.” Senju replied.
(y/n) was confused but let the other girl prepare her speech.
“(y/n)-chan we have known each other for years, right? It all started when I rescued you from some werewolves' attack and since then I started feeling strange whenever I’m with you. It felt like I’m sick, but my body was healthy, at that time I didn’t understand.
Then I started feeling butterflies in my stomach, every time you looked at me or touched me.
When you touch me, I feel like my body is burning, because you’re warmer than the Sun itself and I really don’t care if my body turns into ashes, if that means that you will hold me in your arms.
I love you so much that this heart, that hasn't beat for centuries, almost explodes at the thought of kissing you.
(y/n)-chan I love every part of you, from your shiny eyes that can’t wait to explore the world, to your lips moving so fast whenever you explain your new researchers, to your delicate hands that touch me like I’m your precious porcelain doll, to your warm hugs always smelling like home and that give me a sense of tranquility.
Can we love each other eternally, basking in each other's presence and without any care of the outside world?
I love you (y/n)-chan” concluded Senju, eyes glossy and body trembling.
Warm tears were running over the witch’s face, (y/n) couldn’t believe what the vampire told her, at first, she thought that her ears were playing a prank. What a cruel joke that would be.
However, Senju’s face was serious even if her whole body was trembling and was almost crying.
(y/n) realized that her friend couldn’t joke on something so important and delicate and hugged her while kissing over her face, then she took Senju’s face between her hands placing a chaste kiss on her lips.
Senju was at first shocked but then reciprocated the kiss, hugging her with more force.
“Senju-chan I love you too” smiled (y/n).
The two girls continued to kiss, they were ready to be happy and together forever.
✿ ✿ ✿
“She looks plain.” rudely said Haruchiyo, questioning his sister's poor taste in women.
“At least my boyfriend doesn’t look like a jellyfish.” Senju responded smugly.
“Take that back you idiot!” Haruchiyo could feel his patience running out, and he knew his sister loved tasting his temper.
“Ah, like hell I would do that!” Senju couldn’t stand her girlfriend being disrespected by her brother.
The tension could be easily cut with a knife, then both siblings looked at each other and Senju threw herself to her brother, attacking him while the pink-haired man was trying to pick his katana.
“Mh...Shouldn’t we stop them?” (y/n) asked at Haruchiyo’s boyfriend, Haitani Rindou, she was worried for Senju’s safety.
“Nah they always do that” responded bored Rindou.
“Omi will resolve the fight, (y/n)-chan do you want tea? And you Rindou?” questioned Wakasa looking quite used to Akashi siblings’ behavior.
Both nodded and headed with Wakasa towards the kitchen, leaving their significant other fighting with each other.
✿ ✿ ✿ ✿
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